I swear to GOD this captcha was a message to US Anons. If FISA drops today….
This is how we will know if it's GEOTUS. KEK!!
This is maybe my favorite pic of our Mr. President. Thank You for remembering and fighting for "The Little Man" DJT.
We are FOREVER at your service.
It's about that gravy Anon, it's as good as it gets. Highly underrated. Don't you agree?? KEK!!
I love her too. She has played a KEY role in this. And anyone who says otherwise is either stupid or a shill and I can't tell you which is a worse state to be in.
Have we ever had a more "PROOF" filled day?? I know Anons are and have been Comfy, but this is just crazy.
No doubt. We matter. What we think about, how we feel, what we imagine and EXPECT is paramount.
Looking at this, from how I gather this realm is built and how we create "Reality" together and individually, we MUST be the center of a HiveMind, and not only a HiveMind, but a unified and clear energy on all levels that helps to manifest what we WANT. The Anti-Venom to #FakeNews and Hollywood black magic.
It's really something that we have here. And we've just started.
Is today the day?? Is THIS it?? I don't think I've ever really thought, "this might be it." But this might be. KEK!!
Will be done.
"Anon's Proper Tendies" will be on the menu. KEK!! Sauce and gravy optional and organic.
NO clue Anons….
The smile says it all.
So "Anon's Proper Tendies" & "DJT's GEOTUS Gravy". All organic and inspired by the gravy that fuels the man who saved the world.
It's in the Gravy
When you can have all the gravy you want, you're married to Melania, and you're a scratch golfer at 71, all while you save the world, I mean…We're in Good hands aren't we??
You here to warn people about Trump Anon??