Anonymous ID: c2ec3d Feb. 17, 2019, 10:06 p.m. No.5237743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7975 >>8089

• Target and weaken "conservative" base through the abuse of the Internal Revenue Service and the Mainstream Media.


• Open the border and flood it with illegals to bolster the chances of Democrat wins in perpetuity. Fund the Islamic State and MS13 and install them through the open borders to control the population through fear. Use gangs for targeted killings and the removal of necessary targets.


• Turn a blind eye to the development of nuclear weapons in North Korea to threaten the rest of the world.


• [Classified 1, 2, 3]


• Turn a blind-eye to Iran, provide funding and supply terrorist organizations at their source to continue to fuel war and conflict.


• Turn a blind-eye to additional 18 classified worldwide funding and supplying of very bad people


• Stage the Supreme Court of the United States with installed justices. Orchestrate the murder of Antonin Scalia


• Coordinate the transfer of US Uranium, drastically impacting its capacity, to fund and supply Iran and North Korean with more nuclear material to further develop threatening arsenals to strengthen stranglehold on U.S.


• KILL OFF NASA, prevent space domination and allow bad actors like China to take down military satelittes, get ahead in the space race, impact worldwide communications. Install space weapons to render earthlings helpless. A space originated electro-magnetic pulse attack would cripple the population.


• Carryforward 99 acts of treason against the United States government through the deep state abuses. [CLAS 1-99]


• Install Hillary Rodham Clinton for two terms to usher in World War III. Death of millions of people & the sale and use of billions in weapons behind a FAKE & CONTROLLED war effort designed to slow population growth, control the population further and pocket more billions.


• Use war-time posture to eliminate any final white hat groups within the government or military.


• KILL economy to render the people in need. Starve and enslave population further.


• Fully open borders


• Revise Constitution. Ban sale of firearms (2nd amendment removal). Install 'on team' SC justices to guarantee legal win(s) across spectrum if anyone challenges (AS 187)


• Removal of electoral college in favor of the popular to further magnify the impact of rigged elections with illegal votes and machine manipulation.


Limit and ultimately remove funding of military to defend the United States. Close US military installations world wide starting in Germany.

Anonymous ID: c2ec3d Feb. 17, 2019, 10:29 p.m. No.5238089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8359



If you were the Rockefellers or the banking families or the railroad interests, wouldn't you fund your own corrupt network of people that could be easily blackmailed and controlled? Through the desire for their own power, they work up the chain and you grease the wheels with the money, associate and cultivate the demons so you can have power and control over them.


The darker the people the better. That's why Hollywood was easily controlled. Sick people are easily controlled and easily blackmailed. Once they are unified behind their handlers, you install the pyramid. For the sole purpose of finding the best possible way to exploit the world for your own gain. Why even make products when you can sell people and traffic drugs and use illicit means to make billions. All you have to do is hide.


They don't want us to share the earth with them. They want us gone. So they can enjoy the earth and space. For themselves. The sooner we die off the better but they know that if they get caught and we wake up, it is all over. So they are fine slowly killing us off. It was GO TIME with Hillary.




So you need to USURP the CIA. The people won't know what's going on and you can have secrecy. Without secrecy, there is NO WAY they're plan could ever work. Keep people mind controlled. Study mind control. Fund the media to spin, confuse and MAKE SURE the people don't find out the truth. Install controlled opposition figures to help keep tabs on where people might be at. Keep them embarrassed and shunned under Conspiracy label long enough for Hillary to seal the deal.