Anonymous ID: b24e51 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.5238735   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8740

Here's a dump from this weekend. Spent some time listening to the speech while reading transcripts (required for picking out vocal cues); annotations not mine.


  1. q27, q28


  1. The market is up tremendously today, not that that's anything, but, you know, because they'll go back in and they'll say, "Oh, the market just went down." But the market is getting close to the new highs that we created. We โ€“ we have all the records. We have every record. But we're getting close to that point again where we'll create new records.




  1. In El Paso, they have close to 2,000 murders right on the other side of the wall. And they had 23 murders. It's a lot of murders. But it's not close to 2,000 murders, right on the other side of the wall, in Mexico.


q2000, 23 pain, q23


  1. Take a look at Israel. They're building another wall. Their wall is 99.9 percent effective, they tell me โ€“ 99.9 percent. That's what it would be with us, too.


q999, q666


  1. Our military has been incredibleโ€ฆBut our military has been fantastic and I want to thank them. And it's very necessary.


  1. We've broken up two caravans that are on their way. They just are breaking. They're in the process of breaking up. We have another one that we haven't been able to break up yet.


potential reference to q28 (infiltration, break up)


  1. 40,000 - forty - thousand


q40 (4chin), q1000


  1. From 1977 or so, it gave the presidents the power.


q2736 was a RT q2653

Ref: 230-page book called Sex Bias in the U.S. Code, published in 1977 by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

(for completeness, q230 = "4chan infiltrated")



Hillary Clintonโ€™s Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone!

9:11 PM - 28 Aug 2018


DDG search, "" returns interesting results:


Nixon's Views on Presidential Power: Excerpts from a 1977 โ€ฆ


Presidential Power Revisited - John Hart, 1977


Presidential power in a nutshell (Book, 1977) []


Presidential power in Latin American politics (Book, 1977 โ€ฆ


  1. We have some of the greatest people I know, they've been with me from the beginning of my campaign โ€“ almost from the first week โ€ฆ (Angel moms or Anons)


  1. Year of 18


  1. These are brave people, these are people that are โ€“ they don't have to be here, they don't have to be doing this, they're doing it for other people.


  1. But President Xi's agreed to put fentanyl on his list of deadly, deadly drugs, and it's a criminal penalty and the penalty is death.


So that's frankly one of the things I'm most excited about in our trade deal. If you want to know the truth, I think maybe there's no more important point.


  1. We'll make them directly, one-on-one, ourselves.


  1. And by signing the national emergency, something signed many times by other presidents many, many times โ€“ President Obama, in fact, we may be using one of the national emergencies that he signed having to do with cartels, criminal cartels. It's a very good emergency that he signed, and we're going to use parts of it in our dealings on cartels. So that would be a second national emergency. But in that case, it's already in place.



Anonymous ID: b24e51 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.5238740   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




  1. By creating such a strong economy โ€“ you just look at your televisions or (ph) see what's going on today, it's through the roof โ€“ what happens is, more people want to come.


And in the bill, by the way, they didn't even fight us on most of the stuff โ€“ ports of entry โ€“ we have so much money, we don't know what to do with it. I don't know what to do with all the money they're giving us. It's crazy.


Santa Clause in gingerbread - Jerome Powell (/ourguy/?)?.


  1. Plus, if you think, I've gotten $700 billion for the military in year one, and then last year $716 billion.


So when I got $700 billion and then $716 billion โ€“ and this year it's going to be pretty big, too, because there's few things more important than our military.


But when you think about the kind of numbers you're talking about, so you have $700 billion, $716 billion, when I need $2 billion, $3 billion out of that for a wall

>2+3 = 23


  1. we have specific rules and regulations where they have drugs and what you can do in order to stop drugs. And that's part of it, too. We're taking a lot of money from that realm also.


  1. q56 - And the people that say we create precedent, well, what do you have โ€“ 56 or a lot of times โ€“ well, that's creating precedent.

  2. In fact, the primary fight was on the wall. Everything else we have so much, as I said, I don't know what to do with it; we have so much money.


  1. Such an easy job he has got. He's got the easiest job in government.


  1. Don't forget, it's not like I did โ€“ done this for โ€“ a senator came into my office and said, "I've been running for office 30 years. I've won seven out of seven. I did lose a couple when I was younger." I said, "Well, I've won one out of one."


  1. I will tell you, I'm very disappointed at certain people โ€“ particular one โ€“ for not having pushed this fasterโ€ฆ

QUESTION: Are you referring to Speaker Ryan, sir?

TRUMP: โ€ฆ but I've learned (ph) โ€“ who?

QUESTION: Speaker Ryan?

TRUMP: Let's not talk about it.


TRUMP: What difference does it make? ..


  1. Where a bad person comes in, brings 22 or 23 or 35 of his family members because he has his mother, his grandmother, his sister, his cousin, his uncle. They're all in.

Anonymous ID: b24e51 Feb. 17, 2019, 11:38 p.m. No.5238863   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8867


>Thereโ€™s no precious metal in coins now, anon

this faggot

the US mint creates coins in Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Palladium -


now if the $1 coin is a shitcoin like the Sacagawea dollar or Susan B Anthony shitcoin, well they deserve to be on there as well