I’d use that in a heartbeat! Going off grid soon and am on the hunt. They also make a church- dash style that agitates.
It’s a sobering thought, yes - a numbers game. At my Costco I see a microcosm of the us- white families with 0-2 kids and dark families with usually 4+.
Daily I read or learn a new skill, basic, back to land stuff and for the past 5 years have been weaning my family off society and all the trappings that come with it. I joke we r becoming Amish but that’s really not that far fetched.
So true. They didn’t need gyms back then. Daily life = functional exercise
When I want ice cream the rule is I must walk or bike to get it.
I’ll take a peek. The Amish do a lot right (except how they treat animals and the puppy mills) but yeah I don’t doubt the no autism angle.
I’m not going anywhere. I have the patience of a saint and the fortitude of an army. I have not yet begun to fight.
I think it wipes clean when we hit 751 posts
This anon appreciates your hard work, danke