Proof at how corrupt even the Judiciary is. FISC is a joke and we the people are the punchline.
FISA Judge Bates worked with RR during Ken Starr era
welcome to our newest generation of brainwashed masses. Teach em young so the unbrainwashing becomes near impossible.
kek…nice timing.
I think Q's absence from the board was the calm before the storm. The winds are really starting to pick up now….
Honestly, I think more than half of our whole Judiciary is corrupted. But specifically with the SC, I read almost 2 yrs ago about the FBI/C_A wiretapping the Justices to blackmail them into not challenging Obozocare. Justice Roberts is still comped.
I truly hope Q's drop about throwing off this corrupt govt was not idle threats.
Speaking of Q…notice the laggggg
those shows are keeping FOX a float. As many, myself included, predicted, FOX will start tanking in the ratings as the old man's sons are taking over.