Trump is The Batman
wtf why you posting faka maga mossad shills here? Do you really not know who he works for?
Wtf you're saying im OK with unironic libtard tweets bit it's only moss jack I have a problem with?
Anyone having anything to do with Alex Jones is dirty.
Yeah he was a giant piece of shit when he was Bill Hicks and he's a bigger piece of shit now.
And cut off from her adrenochrome
tbh he is pretty funny for a piece of shit
Alex looks way too old for his fake age.
Fake facts. Alex even has the same best friend Bill used to have, lives in the same city and hangs out at the same places. Bill Hicks best friend even said in his book that Bill faked his death and snuck into his car at his own funeral.
And when dozens of guests over the years get Alex's name wrong they all get it wrong in the same way "Bill" instead of Alex
Here's a good start -
He barely even hides it just msm will never call him on it because Jones and MSM both work for mossad.
I think they get their shills to drain as much time, energy and money as they possibly can from their audience with the main intent being to weaken their enemy as much as possible.
The biggest most grotesque anti Semites in the world are mossad shills. Just like Rothschild Jew Hitler and Soros used to be the biggest anti Semites.
Me too, but into the waiting arms of Rothschild agent Bill Hicks/Alex Jones. Don't know if that counts.
Yeah I'm critical of Israel I guess for an NPC that's just an anti Semite end of story.