Exactly. Even when I was a proponent of the need for militant action (prior to Q), I knew full well that it was exactly what "they" wanted and were prepared for.
There was a narrow window of opportunity I targeted - that was the financial collapse. It was then that we would have to push, and in an unusual way. Rather than targeting, directly, the government - the best course of action was a rather insane one. Take out the systems of comfort for people - the electrical grid, transportation networks, etc. Forcibly cut people off from the system and then have a plan for restoring critical functions - which means appropriating from locations. If you take out a sub-station, you are confiscating emergency power generators and off-grid systems from businesses to provide refrigeration or agricultural processing.
Anything you take away, you return in a different form that is decoupled from the state. Grow large enough, and you can simply negotiate for territory as a national power and begin working as an independent nation.
But critical to this plan is the ability to rapidly deploy self-sufficient systems and build self-sufficient communities that can shrug off precision bombing campaigns to take out utilities and centralized manufacturing/transportation.
While the military would likely fragment under such a scenario, it is unreasonable to expect air superiority, or for a solid air defense grid to be able to secure territory. The best practice is to take hold of things the cabal needs to preserve urban stability, and leverage local cabal vs global cabal.
Although such a conflict will very likely go nuclear. It is likely that the contingency for any base containing nuclear weapons to be nuked in the event it is over-run, in an attempt to trigger a fizzle of the nuclear material in the warheads, and to destroy any infrastructure (and garrison hostiles). Any such contingencies would be classified, but I know what my contingencies for over-run of a nuclear facility would be, and it would not be pretty (so much so that I would stay rather clear of them unless I was sure I could completely secure against internal self-destruct routines and a retaliation).