>>5240127 PAST BREAD
Morning fags,
STILL getting caught up here. What is up with these pics?
Something important we should know?
>>5240127 PAST BREAD
Morning fags,
STILL getting caught up here. What is up with these pics?
Something important we should know?
Message was A JOKE MEANT FOR NSA to Sauce it- NOT from being on TWITTER, but as being in the Presidential Briefing.
Obviously we aren't getting a look at the NSA Presidential Briefing… so, read between the lines.
Lighten up Francis!
Kinda like saying…."Yes, I know I shouldn't have driven when I was drunk, as it killed your entire family…..but, I am sorry. There, I fixed everything."
Blank look on Dubya's face when he was told. That was first instance of gut feeling that something was off. Niggling feeling stuck with me, but no proof. (But I also didn't look for it)
Wasn't til LV that I started following some posts on FB and managed to land on HALFCHAN, and then eventually here. EYES Wide Open now.