attacks will only intensify
Or you don't understand how to wear out and frustrate the left.
It's amazing to me how 3 days ago Q predicts false flags and 3 days later it's back to "Q is a larp"
So you missed the FF predicted last week?
You missed Mccains death predicted a month ahead to the minute?
You missed Defcon 1 in Hawaii?
You missed deltas between potus and q?
So if Trump is in cahoots with Q, why hasn't the media asked or put that together to go after POTUS?
Sessions hired someone outside of Washington to investigate? Forgot or want anons to forget?
A sitting President in on a false conspiracy push would be reason to remove Trump and surely enough to keep a 2020 re-elect.
If Q is fake, this would bold extremely well for anyone wanting to remove Trump. They have this "silver bullet" and don't pull the trigger.
But I'm the thoughtless one. OK.
=+ Donald Trump is evil': Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor with post-it note picture liked by Biden's granddaughter Finnegan ==
Malia Obama Secret FB
A secret meeting of former President Barack Obama's financial backers convened in Washington early this month
Moar sauce:
That's a match. Amazing work anon!