Again: Each decent mental health expert, worth his diploma, would NEVER EVER say this publicly OR make a diagosis without having a patient PERSONALLY.
You are right. Do you think that Trump and his Admin don't know this? I know that they know.
They won't make such a deal. Think of all the Vets: they would never vote again, if Republicans/ Trump would allow the left to peg traumatised or depressed Vets as mentally ill, mentally unstable.
Trump knows this.
He will not allow the left to get their way.
Yes, it's the same thing with Trump bashing Sessions. We can trust Trump and we should enjoy the show, Trump and Sessions are presenting to us, and we should go along with Trump's script: The script that makes the left look like loonies and hides the war behind the curtains, the war against the deep state factions.
And: Podesta's tweet, warning Kushner to better wear a Kevlar vest. This shows, imo, that Podesta thinks, he is backed so far into a corner that he hasn't anything left to lose.
How intelligent is it to threaten the president's son in law publicly with assassination?
And besides, does this threat make you look like a decent person or like a murderous criminal?
Trusting the plan and trusting in the efforts and efficiency of the Trump Admin is what Q asked us to.
They are fighting for us.
The worst thing, we could do is to chime in in the Trump bashing. Then we would do the same as the left. We would do, what the left wants us to do.
I'm confident that Trump will win this.
Even the disgusting censorship (Corsi got the second strike from YT, Dustin Nemos got banned and AntiSchool too) will show more and more Americans (and other people worldwide) what the left is really up to.
People need to see that censorship is a real existing threat, before Trump can take measures to end it. Because if he does it too early HE would look like the one, who acts like a dictator. But as soon as the people understand the censorship threat, he would look like the man, who freed the people.
This would be a catastrophe, because the left then would be confirmed in their propaganda that Trump is an evil dictator.