Anonymous ID: d3628d March 1, 2018, 3:30 a.m. No.524812   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Glad to c some spirit injected in here.

Usually don't go over well, religion's kinda fuked up these days.

Logical thought has led me to spirit, I hope this business leads more to find the importance.

Look in the map… original Qmap… for what was there before we were misled.

Not part of Qresearch, but essential to future beyond the work of Q and Anon and Trump.

Finding and learning benevolent belief systems

will prolly be best done in an environment like this, though maybe in a less charged timeframe.

At this point, Qresearch is to help normies wake to the causes of their sorrows, and accept the possibility of improving as a nation, a world, and a species.

To those ends, more acceptable givens are needed to avoid alienation. Ppl are lost by design right now.

That said, your concern is valid and utmost in importance. This is a Spiritual Battle.

Learn and grow in the best traditions you can find, and lead by example. All religions are based on God in some understanding. Knowledge of God and Self and God in Ourselves will be, inevitably, the defining aspect of the ongoing shift in consciousness underway.

Don't forget the one thing we all have in common, the one denominator that none here will deny. All of us have been lied to.

Never swear by the Lies we were told.

Keep an open mind, and determine truth with the Spark of God within All.

Anonymous ID: d3628d March 1, 2018, 3:57 a.m. No.524937   🗄️.is 🔗kun


too cool

Maybe normies would raise an eyebrow if light is shed on the Lottery Fuckery.

Tough thread to research, hidden well in the bowels of the interweb.

security contractors in cahoots with IT guise to predetermine winning# for certain drawings when the moon is right.

Anonymous ID: d3628d March 1, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.525051   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Covfefe keking in now…

Going to Sign the Petition

Getting the link from the bread, don't want to sign the wrong one.

Tremendous is the Fuckery about…

I find difficulty in participating with a system so long corrupt. I know it is what we got.

I Move on Faith.

Any Anon can confirm/verify link to Petition?