God was Neptune and his begotten Son was Marduk.
Neptune's gravitational pull brought this giant pile of dogshit into our solar system.
It's not supposed to be here. It orbits the sun counter clockwise which is the opposite of all the other planets. Hence the rebel moniker. Lucifer is the rebel.
Morons started worshipping this thing and started doing sacrifices to it. Our history is fucking embarrassing.
Pagans named everything in the sky. The planets and stars were gods and Kings.
None of these were actual people. They created back stories and shit. Zeus wasn't some giant asshole living in the clouds.
He was Jupiter. He was the fucking planet Jupiter. Zeus throwing lightning bolts in reality was the planet Jupiter going through plasma discharges and electromagnetic storms.
Saturn is Satan. Good evil. Duality.
It was the planet farthest away from the Sun at the time. That's it. The cool kids liked worshipping Saturn. They did drugs and had orgies out in the woods. Not much has changed.
The earth used to be twice as big. Marduk broke that bitch in half. He god now.
Look into it yourself. The other half is now the asteroid belt. The way our continents sit doesn't make any sense. That's because it's only half the planet it used to be.