Anonymous ID: d8e4f2 Feb. 18, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.5244384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4690


Here's a test for you Q - a BBC producer has admitted that the chemical attack in Douma, Syria was staged. This has to be a gamechanger! Will Trump tweet this and destroy the entire MSM in the

blink of an eye?

Or will he just continue with the infantile insults and find some pathetic excuse to lavish praise on fuckin' Israel?

Regarding your selective bible quotes - the virgin birth - the sun rises in Virgo - Jesus walks on water - the sun moves through Aquarius - the death and ressurrection - on December 21st the sun appears to remain stationary from our perspective for 3 days - then on the 25th it moves again - a saviour is born - the 12 disciples - the 12 signs of the zodiac - the crucifix is the sun crossing the

equator. The whole shitshow is based on the Zodiac and if you didn't know that you're full of shit.

Even the name Jesus is from the French Je suis - I AM with the 'I' removed - it's all mind control and you're perpetuating enslavement by endorsing it - it means that I AM (meaning everybody) a part of source energy and they've tricked everyone into thinking their saviour is elsewhere/outside - including fucking you.

Here's a bible quote you rarely hear trotted out - Leviticus 19 - if a son disrespects his father he should be brought before the town elders and stoned to death - if you want to worship the sun and kill children - count me out of your rapidly ageing and incredibly boring yawnfest plan - asshole.