Anonymous ID: e432ef Feb. 18, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.5247678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are you kidding me @Instagram? You took down this post??? I mean I got a message you took one down but you wouldn’t even let me see it or give me a real reason so I assume it’s this one or one like it. I get you want to censor any conservative voices but there is literally nothing in here that wasn’t covered in every news source in the country. It was fine to discuss at length when it seemed to work against MAGA folks but now that it’s apparently a hate crime fraud it’s too sensitive. Why is that? Why don’t you want the truth out there? What if some innocent folks were apprehended because they fit the bill of the BS story? Their lives would have been ruined and you think Jussie would have come out and saved them??? Nah. He was fine creating a hate incident of national prominence and go on TV to back it up, but when called out for obvious flaws it’s too much for you because you like the rest of hollywood and the MSM wanted it so badly to be true, just like Covington, Russia and so many more. You’re part of the problem. Maybe allow for discourse rather than force feed everyone your leftist bullshit. When you continually trample one side do you expect them to just succumb to it???