Anonymous ID: 2e4d09 Feb. 18, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.5248018   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online platforms.

>Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public.

>A series of scenarios is currently being conducted ['game the sys'] to test response, risk, and calc results.

>'Censorship' [added] layers of inserted code 'through keyword targeting' in bio, history, and comments + indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.

>'China-Russia-Iran' 'fake' take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being game-played.


>Countermeasures in place.


>Think Emergency Alert System.

>Think WH controlled new RT 'news' website

>Think WH controlled new video stream platform

>Think Here.

>Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

>Why do we make things public?




