Anonymous ID: 055e42 Feb. 18, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.5249879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zionism is a cruel hoax! You need to understand that modern-Israel was created by The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) as a means to overthrow the Middle East on the road to World Government. This is all leading up to the climax of the appearance of the Antichrist (i.e., in place of Christ), who shall blaspheme everything that is holy by claiming to be God (2nd Thessalonians 2:4). Literally, present-day Israel is a political and religious fraud. The churches have been deceived, because of woeful ignorance of the truth. The average person (Christians included) is uninterested in researching matters beyond the lying propaganda spoon-fed to them by the mainstream newsmedia. Thomas Jefferson rightly said, “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”


Oh my friend, there is so much that you don't know if this is all new to you! I woke up to the reality of the New World Order in 2002. It was like scales spiritually falling off my eyes. I have been intensely researching for the truth since 2002, having become a diligent truth-seeker, shocked and disturbed often by the things I discover. And yet, I've just scratched the surface of all there is to learn.


For the sake of my web visitors, I strive to boil everything down into simple layman's terms, keeping it simple for the common folks, like me. I never assume anybody knows anything, always striving to explain things from the ground up. There are new web visitors coming all the time, and I want to help them. Simplicity is very important. There are economists who go to college for 4-years and still cannot comprehend the workings of the criminal financial system in America (aka, the Federal Reserve System).


The evil men behind the modern-day secular state of Israel are also behind the Federal Reserve Fraud, Freemasonry, the hi-jacking of The White House (as President John F. Kennedy warned Americans 10-days before his murder), Wall Street, the CIA, The Council On Foreign Relations, Zionism, et cetera! The term “Illuminati” is a catch-all phrase commonly used to identify the hierarchy structure of Satanic power in the world. Please read, The Luciferian Conspiracy. It's all tied-in together. The common factor is Freemasonry, who are the servants of THE GREAT ARCHITECT (Lucifer). Freemasons are building a New World Order, and the United States is their whore to get the job done!

Anonymous ID: 055e42 Feb. 18, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.5249931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One of my favorite authors (I love this man) is Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959). In his awesome and eye-opening classic book titled, PAWNS IN THE GAME (.pdf book), Commander Carr states concerning the Illuminati. …


Considering these facts, I became convinced that the top conspirators did not belong to any one race or nation; they were “Agents of Satan”, doing his will, and serving his purpose, here on earth. The one and only purpose of the Devil is to win the souls of men away from Almighty God. The men who plot and plan wars and revolutions have done a great deal to bring about a Godless world. This reasoning enabled me to understand the evil genius of these men. They could not move nearer to their totalitarian-materialistic goal without fomenting wars and revolutions. They must of necessity destroy the civilization founded in accordance with the Divine Plan of Creation before they could impose their evil totalitarian ideology upon the peoples of the world.


Both Captain Ramsay and Admiral Domvile tried from 1936 to 1939 to prevent Britain becoming engaged in war with Germany, because they considered “international Jewry” intended to arrange a war in which the German and British Empires would destroy each other. The people who survived could be easily subjugated by Communism afterwards in exactly the same way Russia had been communized.


I agree that World War II was engineered by the Illuminati who used anti-Communism, anti-Fascism, anti-Semitism and anti-everything else to further their evil Long Range Plans and secret totalitarian ambitions. I arrived at the conclusion that it was a fatal mistake to be anti anything but anti-evil. I believe the only way to defeat the diabolical international conspiracy is to educate as many people as possible in regard to tile truth and convince them that they have been used as “Pawns in the Game” by these evil men. …


SOURCE: World War Two Breaks Out, by Commander William Guy Carr