Hi Q! Love you, no homo.
anecdotal but worthy:
Neighbor mildly-socialist school teacher knocks on my door, doesn't have her phone with her, is kind of worried.
Says her phone is listening to her talk and has started serving up advertisements based on what she's talked about. Like if she says 'I should get an adjustable bed' outloud then her phone gives her ads for it. And she thinks she's going crazy bc its nothing she's searched on.
I tell her no, she's not crazy. these are the advertising (spy) algorithms and your phone is listening to you 100% of the time. AND taking pictures. and its connecting to your desktop and work computers and has data from those too.
We had a long talk, starting with how the chinese have all your info, bc of 'hacks' (data for sale). She's not woke yet, but she's scared and that's a start. She'll be knocking on my door again.