Jesus is calling anons! Walk away from the Darkness and towards the Light. Bear fruit and take as many as will follow. Show the world that Jesus Christ is the one and only way!
Q: My English Bible has the word "church" many places in the New Testament. What isthe Greek word they used for "church"?A: The King James Version translators replaced the Greek "ecclesia" (which appearsmany times in the New Testament) with "church." Thus, the word "church" appears manytimes in the King James Version. Q: Is "church" an acceptable translation of the Greek "ecclesia"?A: No. "Church" comes from "kuriakos," not "ecclesia."Q: What is the correct definition of "ecclesia"?A: "Ecclesia" is correctly translated as "the called-out ones" … literally "the called-out." Q: Why did the KJV translators elect to use "church" instead of "ecclesia" or "thecalled-out"?A: The King James Translation was printed in 1611, long after the institution of "church"was known and popularized in the Roman and Celtic world. The form of the modern"church" was adopted after 300 AD by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great whodeclared it the state-sanctioned form of worship for Christians. By doing this he tookcontrol of religion by incorporating it into the state. By declaring it a state religion,Constantine was able to reorganize it, control it, and use it for his own political purposes.In essence, Constantine invented the "church" as we know it. Although "church" becamethe accepted word and form for organized religion, the actual word in the Bible remained"ecclesia" for a long time afterwards. Before Constantine, Christians had no centralizedorganization, no official buildings, no priests, no professional preachers. The body ofChrist was living within "ecclesias" - groups of believers here and there.