I agree anon.
I have been voraciously watching YouTube videos of all persuasions and have noticed a few things:
1) No news coverage focuses on the real sides of the issue. Take immigration. All we hear are emotional arguments. There is no discussion on the burden of our economic system, voter roles, voter redistricting, human trafficking, etc.
I am creating a list of these topics and plan to write articles outlining the real issues underlying each topic.
I can't meme for shit, though but I can write.
Hopefully, some anon would see and share with normie friends or on social media.
I would eventually like to create a website of information that is easier for the new, uninitiated, or normie to digest easily.
Much of what we discuss here and even on Twitter, etc is difficult to understand as we're going on 2 years of research and many could fall behind, esp on older subjects like Snowden, Vault 7, human trafficking etc that we have not discussed in some time.