Ask yourselves why you lose your appetite when you are sick. Ask yourselves why wild animals rarely touch food, even water, when suffering from injury or disease. Ask yourselves if you've ever really felt true hunger, which is said to be present in the mouth and throat, and not the stomach. Ask yourselves how much money is made from useless pills and costly, and even injurious, therapies every year, while doctors and family and friends alike urge you not to fast because they're convinced it is intrinsically harmful for you; most likely, they are referring to famine, which occurs after the depletion of your bodily reserves.
Would Nature really be as uneconomical as to urge eating three sizeable meals per day, threatening you with death or vital tissue damage should you fail to find food on time? Look at your anatomy for reference, and study the animals in the wilderness who are not possessed by human intellect. A better guide than that is hard to come by.