One thing I think we need to work on is messaging. We constantly use our own terminology and this simply won't work with normies.
EXAMPLE: We are saying Broward was a False Flag, I have seen this in memes etc. To a normal person that is not in the know they don't know what a False Flag is, they parse the words and say "It wasn't false, I saw it on TV". Therefore it is easier to bill us as Conspiracy Theory Nuts by saying we said it never happened. We need to find a way to word things in a more clever way, to use the words that would at least give the normie a desire to listen to us. Think Center for American Progress, we all know its a commie, zionist plot to overthrow the government but normies just hear the title as say "Sound like they like America and want the country to move forward.
Maybe a term like "Orchestrated Mass Murder Event" or "Terror for Economic Gain" I know those sound shitty but maybe another anon can come up with a better term that people would start to attach to these events. Instead of showing the carnage, focus on the money and where it goes since it is always about the money.