Keep the faith brothers . Q has us ALL spinning and questioning . Imagine the communists . They don't know what to think spinning every which way !! Is he real ,is it a larp? We are all under the spell . As a long time chessfag I can see this game is going unreal good for Q. Perfect chess 5D style ! Go Q ,go 45, go Anons !!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no fear. I know I am on the right side so are you real goodguys .
Has to keep everyone guessing which way is up. Art of War . Q is a master player .Sit back and watch the show !
So LEAVE faggot !! Nobody likes you anyway !
Billy G was lying under the rotunda as a enemy soldier trophy I think. He was also inside a big Q made from the rope around the casket. the pope in USA .Evil trophy being displayed. 5D chess. Just my take.