Anonymous ID: a67cb9 March 1, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.525548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think many anons find it easy to miss how bigly we are winning. We see the world very differently from the average person and think that winning will constitute our views becoming the average.

This is wishful and unrealistic thinking that is unrelated to winning. Take Parkland. Someone I know commented on the book of faces that he heard about parkland from people talking about gun control, not anyone directly talking about the event.


It is becoming increasingly clear to the average people in society that the narrative comes before reality. The average person out there doesn't need to get into 'false flags' and CIA programs. That can still be crazy talk to them, and the average person still see that there is a blatant conspiracy among certain groups to push gun control at any and every cost. They see the FBI failed miserably, at the very least. The police practically cheered him on, and the sheriff has been lowering crime rates by not actually reporting or prosecuting crime.


They see the media jumping sharks every day. Drumpf is going to end the world this way. Or that way, or the other way. One day he is a Putin puppet, the next day he is a crazed madman for blowing up Russians.

While there are still people who are asleep - only reading the headlines or the echo chambers in social media, the number being forced out of this is growing, and the control is faltering.


Of course, the only strategy they truly have is to double down. And double down. And double down. It is all they know how to do, and it is that doubling down that will shake even more out of their sleep. As the prosecution cases encircle the guilty.