>We are still in the midst of a heavy DDOS attack
I don't know if 8ch uses Cloudflare's services, but preventing such attacks is what they do. In the August 2017 issue, Wired magazine published an article about Cloudflare's decision to let the Daily Stormer burn, pulling their services from them. https:// www.wired.com/story/cloudflare-daily-stormer/
In the current, February issue they have an even more extensive article on the tortured reasoning behind the decision. There seems to be a dangerous undercurrent of glee at Wired in stifling "this" unpopular speech.
Our speech on this site is certainly unpopular enough for the lib bots of the world to be constantly attacking us. To see a publishing giant like Conde' Nast go full Nazi book burning show's the depth of the reach of the deep state into the hearts and minds of the population.
Check out this list:
Vanity Fair
The New Yorker
GQ Style
Condé Nast Traveler
Architectural Digest
Golf Digest
Bon Appétit
Ars Technica
Golf World
Teen Vogue
The Scene
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cond%C3%A9_Nast
They seem to be getting away with this censorship by hiding behind virtue signalling, but the recent revelations about twatter and jewtube reinforce the notion that we are under attack.
“If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the process of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”