Anonymous ID: 132b15 Feb. 18, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.5252530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3032



It must be that historical fear of Racism that’s caused Cities such as Detroit , Chicag, Memphis, East St. Louis, Lower Oakland, Houston, Newark, Selma, Birmingham, Flint, to be complete shitholes.


On a side note, Candace Owens is a Black Supremacist. She uses the platform of Conservatism to promote her Racial Identity Politics and the cuckservatards eat it up to show how not Racist they are. She literally removes all sense of Agency from the Black Condition and blames it all entirely on incorporeal outside forces that are never fully explained because no one ever asks, just nod and agree.


Beam me up