Just started watching the Video of the Trump Venezuela Speech looking for anti-Trumpers, C_A and their stooges.
Already there is a guy behind Trump in a MAGA hat, GST video, who appears to be directing the crowd shouters, both to his right and also about the center area.
The shouters on this dudes right seem to be yelling "Lee-Berr-Tass".
The shouters in front and center seem to be yelling, "Send Troops" and, "Send Marines".
Sign language includes:
Expressing :exasperation: while hand, horizontally flat, pats the righ top portion of the head. (In response to the libertas shouters, like they are timed incorrectly)
Thumb carressses right mustache with fingers curled in a fist, dragging the thumb downward.
Turns to the right while touching his left ear, ::Listen, you on the Left::
His right hand touches his right ear, ::Listen, you on the right::
Not yet sure if any of it is sinister, but I'm reviewing to see what I can discover.
These are occurring between 5 minutes and 24 minutes of the Golden State Times video.
I didn't know there was going to be a speech today or I could've taken a look in real time.
Be observant
God Bless