Anonymous ID: c2fbc5 Feb. 18, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.5252447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2466 >>2481

>>5251667 (lb)

RBG clearly has been suffering from age-related hyperkyphosis, and that shit does NOT spontaneously resolve.


Moreover, it's highly unlikely she underwent spinal surgery to correct the problem while purportedly undergoing treatment for multiple broken ribs and lung cancer.


Sauce on the hunchback condition -

Anonymous ID: c2fbc5 Feb. 18, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.5252649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2695 >>2700 >>2712 >>2730 >>2758 >>2805 >>2854 >>2944 >>2954 >>3003 >>3011


NOTE FOR ANONS WHO MISSED IT: Attached is Stone's offensive Instagram pic. If I were that dumb bastard' s lawyer I would quit the case.


His picture of the judge in his case contains a firearm sight in the upper left corner.


I'm pro-Q, pro-POTUS, and all, but even I was repulsed by this pic. Stone is a retard. He doesn't even have a college degree. I'm guessing he slept his way to his current position….

Anonymous ID: c2fbc5 Feb. 18, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.5252954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2965 >>3062 >>3082









I'M A PATRIOT, YOU UNEDUCATED, IGNORANT LAYMEN! But I'm also a lawfag, who's been in court a lot, and I know from professional experience that Stone fucked up, big-league. There are plenty of photos of Judge Jackson available online, and he didn't have yo pick that particular one.


If any of you hotheaded, low-IQ Anons ever happen to get arrested or indicted, for Christ's sake, don't fuck up your lawyer's case by going "all Roger Stone" on your judge.


What I think of this judge and the likely bias that she holds does not permit me to annoy her or puss her off. Indeed, thst inherent bias requires a client and his counsel to tread extra lightly around that judge ….. tippy-toe, if you will.


So shut the fuck up with your knee jerk reactions. WWG1WGA, for fuck's sake.