Anonymous ID: dd652c Feb. 18, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.5253124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5252173 (pbs)

>David Zublick said he got intel that Hussein is detained in Gitmo and is giving up info and begging for his life.

LOL watch who you follow. Why do ya'll give these idiots even a second's attention?


Is your need to beLIEve bigger than common sense?


>fuck you, you fucking pedo kike


>reporting this fucking bullshit


how is posting a publicly available youtube video being a pedo? Hundreds of jewtube is posted here every day….oh…wait. Why not go directly to jewtube and report the video instead of whining? If it's CP one would think that jewtube would immediately delete it, especially due to the comments….being mostly pedos right?


So…perhaps go to jewtube and flag the video channel???