Anonymous ID: eb3b7a Feb. 18, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.5253209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5244213 pb Q

>>5245457 pb Q

>>5245228 pb Q

And - Q post 1822



Do American Patriots qualify as homeland allied forces?

Does MSM/Hollywood/elected and non elected Govt Employees qualify as an ‘Axis Sally’?





n. the crime of betraying one's country, defined in Article III, section 3 of the U. S. Constitution: "Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Treason requires overt acts and includes the giving of government security secrets to other countries, even if friendly, when the information could harm American security.


Under Article III a person can levy war against the United States without the use of arms, weapons, or military equipment.


Because treason involves the betrayal of allegiance to the United States, a person need not be a U.S. citizen to commit treason under the Constitution. Persons who owe temporary allegiance to the United States can commit treason. Aliens who are domiciliaries of the United States, for example, can commit traitorous acts during the period of their domicile. A subversive act does not need to occur on U.S. soil to be punishable as treason.


Mildred Gillars, a U.S. citizen who became known as Axis Sally, was convicted of treason for broadcasting demoralizing propaganda to Allied forces in Europe from a Nazi radio station in Germany during World War II.


Treason is punishable by death. If a death sentence is not imposed, defendants face a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine (18 U.S.C.A. § 2381).


A person who is convicted of treason may not hold federal office at any time thereafter.