Anonymous ID: 5daa8e Feb. 18, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.5256283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why is Zionism So Dangerous?


Having said all that, it is extremely important that Christians identify when the Devil is creeping heresy into the church. Zionism is a false teaching, very dangerous because it deceives Christians to go along and support the Devil's New World Order. Literally, churches who support present-day Israel are supporting THE GREAT WHORE of Revelation 17:1,5 and 18. Churches that support, praise and defend modern apostate Israel are supporting tyranny. It is sinful idolatry to worship a nation and/or ethnicity.


During the U.S. led Iraqi War, a shocking 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis were brutally murdered. We were told by the lying Bush administration that Saddam Hussein was involved with the 911 attacks, which George W. Bush years later cowardly denied. Of course, Iraq had nothing to do with 911, nor did Afghanistan. Bush smirked and joked about the fraud of missing Weapons of Mass Destruction (if sound doesn't play, click the first hyperlink in the article). When Saddam Hussein was captured and executed, U.S. troops and allied forces continued to murder another one million Iraqis. The truth is that the Illuminati are using false Israel as a whore to conquer the Middle East, and they're just getting started. It will all eventually lead into World War III. That means Jesus' return at the rapture must be very near, when the saints will be “CAUGHT UP” into the clouds to meet with the Lord in the air (1st Thessalonians 4:17). Even so, come, Lord Jesus!!!


Whatever happened to the Ten Commandments? The last I checked in Exodus chapter 20, it still says not to bear false witness against thy neighbour, nor to steal from them (we stole Iraqi's oil), nor to covet what others have, nor to murder innocent people. We have much blood on our hands in America. No pastor, Christian or church congregation is right with God who supported the Iraqi invasion. GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! Iraq never threatened us. Yet, we attacked Iraq without provocation, like barbarian heathens!!!

Anonymous ID: 5daa8e Feb. 18, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.5256382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6394

The influence of Zionists and Zionism that deceived and compelled America's churches to go along with the Iraqi war. Satan's Israel controls the U.S. mainstream newsmedia. They control the entertainment industry. Whereas marriage used to be honored in America, the Jewish-controlled Zionist entertainment industry has


The biggest publishing houses are all Zionist controlled. They own the New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. The top 50 media outlets in the U.S. have been consolidated in recent decades down to just 5 media outlets! Revelation 17:15, “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” The Mother of Harlots sits upon the waters of peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues. In other words, the harlot sits in control of what information is fed to the unstable passions of humanity. The harlot rules the world through commercial control.


Modern-day Zionist Babylon, “THE GREAT WHORE,“” is corrupting our children through spiritual whoredom! Increasingly we see the Zionist owned and controlled entertainment industry effortlessly press the wine of profanity, sex and violence to the lips of an unsuspecting world. The media has turned the respectable institution of marriage into one in which fornication, adultery and homosexuality are acceptable sexual alternatives. Zionism is behind all of these evils! Babylon is here, now!!!


Remember, this is not about the Jewish people being bad or evil. Jews are a scapegoat for Freemasonry. Jews are victims as much as the average American. The New World Order is not a Jewish thing; but rather, a Satanic thing.

Anonymous ID: 5daa8e Feb. 18, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.5256394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6425


All we heard from paid-off Zionist stooges like Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, John Hagee, Rick Warren and numerous others, was that America must support and defend Israel at all costs. The professional liars at FoxNews and elsewhere in the Godless mainstream newsmedia, pushed the Zionist propaganda that America must support and defend Israel. WHAT A FRAUD!!! WHAT A SATANIC LIE!!! The Bible teaches in Matthew 7:12 (aka, THE GOLDEN RULE) to treat our neighbour(s) the way we want to be treated, and it is upon that basis God will judge all men in eternity (Matthew 7:1-2). Oh, but Iraqi was just the beginning. Afghanistan is now also controlled by the Illuminati, as is Egypt and soon to be Syria and Iran if they get their way.


It is those woefully ignorant believers, who don't understand the workings of the New World Order, who are foolishly and wholeheartedly supporting the present-day whore of Israel. A pimp controls a whore. Likewise, the Illuminati are the pimp, and Israel and the United States are their whores. Our youth are being exploited in the U.S. military as paid mercenaries to fight for the agendas of the globalists (another name for the Illuminati, or the enlightened ones). The term globalization is virtually synonymous with World Government. I get mad when I hear FoxNews interviewing Joel Osteen, mocking Americans by suggesting that viewers buy Osteen's book to learn how to pray for God to give them a job, while those rotten good-for-nothing rascals in the newsmedia won't dare tell the truth that our government leaders have betrayed their oath of office, committing treason, allowing U.S. corporations to send tens-of-millions of Americans manufacturing jobs to foreign soil to exploit cheap slave labor and escape U.S. regulations. WE'VE BEEN SOLD OUT!!! That's why you cannot find a decent job!

Anonymous ID: 5daa8e Feb. 18, 2019, 7:54 p.m. No.5256425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6437


And then Americans are competing with illegal immigrants for the remaining minimum wage jobs at Burger King and McDonalds. Why aren't the churches angry? Why isn't every preacher in America exposing the fraud and treason in our government? What is wrong with Americans? We've become indifferent and complacent. The average Christian wonders why they are struggling financially, and why God hasn't worked a miracle in reply to their prayer for a job. My friend, deindustrialization (aka, globalization, i.e., sending U.S. manufacturing jobs to foreign soil) has destroyed the economy in the United States!!! As of May 2015, over 100,000,000 Americans are receiving some type of government financial assistance. It's all a house of cards! The whole rotten government is a bunch of smoke and mirrors, which eventually has to economically implode. Americans will continue to work harder, receive less and die completely broke. As time passes, if the Lord tarries, ownership of private property will become next to impossible.


Everything on this webpage that I've mentioned is connected with the fraud of Zionism, a cruel hoax perpetrated upon the American people by the International Banking Cabal, Wall Street, Freemasons and Kabbalistic Khazarian Jews and the Satanic religion of orthodox Judaism. That's why I expose Zionism as much as I do. It is at the core of everything unholy that's destroying America today. It is Zionist Hollywood that it corrupting our culture and runing families, promoting violence and sexual immorality.


As noted in the book, “In Search of Anti-Semitism,” by Leonard Dinnerstein, former U.S. President Nixon acknowledged the Jewish Media Barons influence in America. President Nixon said:


“Politicians are often controlled by the media … People have to realize that the Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies. And there is a force that we have to take into consideration.”


Now you know why they ousted Nixon as President. He was too honest, which is why the Nazi CIA killed John F. Kennedy.

Anonymous ID: 5daa8e Feb. 18, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.5256437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6464


The Christ-blaspheming Talmud is the Devil's Bible! The Washington Monument is a giant erect male phallus, the symbol of occult power. Freemasons are penis-worshippers! Freemasonry, Judaism and Mormonism are all rooted (or should I say, rotted) in Zionist Kabbalah and demonic mysticism. If you have difficulty grasping the truths I am am telling you, consider again the predominant infestation of the Obama administration in The White House with Goldman Sachs (Wall Street) insiders. The term “Military Industrial Complex” refers to the criminal relationship between Wall Street, The White House and The Pentagon. If Wall Street controls The White House, then they control the U.S. military. THAT'S HORRIFYING!!! In fact, it was Wall Street Zionists who exploited The White House and The Pentagon to demonize, invade and overthrow Afghanistan and Iraq.


Few Christians have any idea how messed up everything is. Here's an article about how the music industry is controlled by the controlling elite. Read the truth about the entertainment industry. If you just open your eyes and pay attention to all the occult symbols surrounding you in American society, you'll begin to wake up. Look on the back of any U.S. one-dollar bill!!! My I say, it is not unreasonable that most Christians are woefully naive about this stuff, because they are called “Secret Societies” for a very good reason, that is, they are hidden (secret) from the public's eye. We don't see the hidden powers controlling Washington D.C. at every level. Please just consider all the information I give you, and then form your own conclusions. Zionism is a Satanic work of darkness!

Anonymous ID: 5daa8e Feb. 18, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.5256464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6483 >>6650


I Care About You and Don't Want You to be Deceived by the Devil


I'm doing my best with God's help to share what I've learned with others. I certainly don't have all the answers, but the King James Bible DOES have all the answers. Please don't support “THE GREAT WHORE” by supporting present-day apostate Israel. This has nothing to do with true Israel. I am a supporter of God's Israel, but that nation won't be restored until Christ's Second Coming, when a believing remnant of Israel fears God and seeks the Lord as Hosea 3:4-5 teaches. Zionism is not about anti-Semitism, but anti-corruption and fraud. If you are Jewish I love you! If you are African-American I love you. If you are Arab I love you. If you are Eskimo I love you. I love you all in the Lord, whoever you may be; and I mean that, which is why I work so hard to help others, labouring day-and-night in the Lord, and praying always for my web visitors.


I don't like exposing false prophets or falsehoods, but I do LOVE THE TRUTH. 2nd Thessalonians 2:10, “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” Carefully notice in the preceding Scripture that the first step to being saved is to accept THE TRUTH. If you don't want to hear the Gospel truth, then you can never be saved. I've knocked on many doors while soul-winning, just to have a door slammed in my face. You have to want the truth before it can benefit you. Many believers are closed-minded. It's a wonder how they ever got saved. In Hosea 4:6, people often quote the first part of the verse about God's people people destroyed for lack of knowledge, but if you read the second half, it says that God's people deliberately REJECTED that knowledge from God. You literally have to not want the truth these days to remain ignorant with all the information that we have available.


Here again is our text verse, which tells us that the Devil (Satan) is DECEIVING THE WHOLE WORLD!!! …


Revelation 12:9, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”