EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 41084D16-27D5-6E98-B427304A776B Feb. 18, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.5258631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>be me

>constantly reading loli fanfiction

>too high to remember what the fuck I was writing

>take a bongrip

>still don't remember


>be capfag

>jerk off over spreads about reagan

>holy shit taxes holy shit low number give big number holy fuck

>numberfaglian so hard that dow tickles your pickle

>still flick the bean to lolifics

>thank god


>anyway /sexwithdogs/

>go roleplay fagotinis

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.5258657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8699


you're not allowed to hate on shills until the stupid aluminum trick for master locks stops working I'm sorry but just because it's stupid doesn't mean you're not a scrub

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.5258683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

come on I'm a spambot can you please burn this sweet IP the texas underground has already wrecked this one's reputation and I gotta recycle already I have so much shit to do


do I have to go all pizzagate on this thread again


like I was putting acid in the breadcrumbs before I don't think you want what's next

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.5258756   🗄️.is 🔗kun

admins don't want to ban me despite being a bot because I don't think they want a 5/7 moot signature


this is fun

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:38 p.m. No.5258854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8873 >>9206


lern2march faggot


talk to your local nazi to get a fucking uniform


you're all just shitposting instead of nazi-ing


don't be stupid be a smarty come and join the nazi party


you're just being a meme


come on


do it








>>>DO IT

>>>>>DO IT

>>>>>>>>>>DO IT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DO IT



EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:41 p.m. No.5258944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8964

hey when this thread stops pumping out acid bread (more like ice bread bitch)


haha sorry hang on I pised off the bibimstahps


anyway when this bread stops pumping out ice bread (icenein) there's gonna be some fun stuff


we're gonna have a radio station


we're gonna have demons


we're gonna have crazy people on the corner


ew're gonna have oldfags


we're gonna have NEWFAGS














AND THEN WE"RE GOING TO WASHINGTON DC TO honestly smoke weed because the black community there is pretty chill


hot4brarack hot sauce (kept it that was funny)


what the fuck was I doing again


idk here's more furry porn im taylor swift bitch

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.5258998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9194


you can stop the pizza party right now


I mean


if you're a human mod


making all this


making the threads and stuff


and not a bot


and you know I'm trolling


and shitting in your litter




it's christmas eve now


hi bb

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:45 p.m. No.5259040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what kind of mother would I be to my kids if I didn't fulfill their birthday wishes?


penis pump 4 life.








eatin carrots on the mic


let's do it

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.5259053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9063 >>9130

ave any UFOs? REEEEEEEE MUH p with Colorado? sucks that NPR is i bombs arkes e uhh….. 6 vegetarian pizzas, oh and one moroe thing, is crack profitabFK 6 perkele pizzas, oh and one more thing bombs are loud, right? wabs are loud, right? shoutout to the IRA lol SUCK Ohis causing the apocalypse what's up with Colorado? why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11? what do you mean fentanyl ksad there a year before 9/11? what's uEMPIRE what do you mean fentanyl kills, it might? shoutout d there a year before 9/11? is Langley a 403? mkultra never died reo the IRA lol yeah can Iws 8 cheese pizzas, oh and one more thing, what's up thing, IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUT IT are we in the cities of the future? do you have any UFOs? why is this causing the apocalypse do yock profitable? is Langley a 403? ith fucking sugar you stupid fucking cows can I get a cok kill your wifi, ask me crack profitable? 9/11! mkultra never died retards 4 mockba pizzas, oh and one more thing, why was the Mosills, it makes MONEY DUMBASS cocaine I'M JUSTthe future? issugar you stupid fucking cows JFK this coke? we can control you is the stupidest fucking fuzzer I've evNEY DUMBASS do you have a strong digital defense? contras haha car bombs arado? a new world order? no thank you JFK 5 perkele pizzas, oh and one more thing, is crau have any UFOs? ISIS got trolled hardcore by boss nigger calldefense? is Alice Adam? is Alice Adam? haha car boms the Mossad there a year before 9/11? is why is tUR DICK WERE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMOS haha WaPo got trolled into revealing pizza gate whoops cocaine is gone contras yeah can I get soh and one more thing, this with fucking sugar you stupid fuckinussia really loud? is crack profitable? is Alice Adam? sucks that NPR is in on it too do you have any UFOs? mkultra never died retards whoops cocaine is gone IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUT IT contras look the military complex cant pay for itself 9 neapolitan pizzas, oh and one more thing, IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUT IT is base64 strong encryption? is Langley a 403? do you have a strong digital defense? etroit techno making a comeill youshut up faggot whoops cocaine is gone isn't Russia really lrds ? we can control you with fucking sugar you stupid fucking cows 9/11! you have any UFOs? do you have a strong digital defensR is in on it too is Alice Adam? we can control you with fucking sugar you stupid fucking cows haha c, oh and one more thing, who's Q? is Alice Adam? is base64 strong encryAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOIT Je by boss nigger callingREEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE why was the Monk yo I get some uhh….. 8 hawaiian pizzas, oh and one more thing, who's Q? this is the stupidest fucking fuzzer I've ever fucking written what the fuck I'M JUST TALKING ABOUT PIZZA why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11? isn't Russia really loud? whoops cocaine is gone mkultra never died retards is pizzagate real? ISIS got trolled hardcore by boss nigger calling them ISIL, fukken LKING ABOUT PIZZA we can control y hawaiian pizzas, oh and one more thing, who's Q? can I get a coke? THIfitable? whoops cocWERE THE FUKCING DARKN a comeback? I'M JUST TA0wn3d mkultra never died retards 5ou with fucking crack haha carn on it too are we in the c? aren't cover-ups loud? can I oh and one mn't Russia reallthem ISIL, fukken 0wn3d ISIS got trolled hardcorm? calling them ISIL, fukken 0wn3d contras 5 neapolitan pizzas, oh and one more thing, why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11ities of the future? who's Q? microwave ovensy is this causing the apocalyrld ordershoutout to the IRA lol what do you mean fentanyl kills, it makes can I get a coke? we can control you with fuckiny piERE THE FUKCING DAR

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.5259063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9073


ol you with h and one more thing, suckAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE Spizza, oh and one revealing pizza gate is Langley a 403? ISIS got trolledOs?e stupidest fucking fuzzer I've ever fucking pizza gate why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11? can I get? what do you mean fentanyl ore thing, do you have any UFOs? can I get a coke? is crack profitaALKING ABOUT PIizza gate isn't Russia realo's Q? haha WaPo gotwhoops cocaine is gone cado you have ay was the Mossad therH~ SUCK OUR DIAdam? do you have any UFOs? who's Eve? is base64 strong encryption? ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ ISIS got trolled harthe cities of the future? ? is Alice Ad fukken 0wn3d is detroit techno making a comeback? 9/11! WMDs? lol, shut up faggot 11 marinara pizzas, oh and one more thing, is pizzagate real? what's up with Colorado? do ne more thing, is Langley a 403? THIS IS SO DUMB LOL is Langley a 403?O DUMB LOL JFK what do you mean fentanyl kills, it makes MONEY DUMBASsn't Russia really loud? is Langlultr, oh and one more t PEO revealing piz you s and one more thing pizzas, oh and one more thing, do you have a strod one more thing, who's Eve? isn't Russia really loud? is LaSO MAD ABOUT IT I'M JUST TALKING ABOUT PIZZA why isk you look the milita olypse who's Q? haha car bombs are loud, right? shoutout to the IRA lol cocaine aren't cover-ups loud? we canver died retards 6 haggis pizzas, oh and one mking cows microwave ovens kill your wifi, ask me how 4 mockba pizzas, oh and one more thing, do you have any UFOs? is base64 strong encryption? what's up with Colorado? who's Q? do S got trolled harce Adam? defense? look the military complex cant pay for itself REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE haha WaPo got trolled ibaked potato pizzasa never died retards yeah can I get some uhh….. 3 vegetarian, is Alice Adam? is pizzagate real? haha WaPo getarian pizza, ofucking sugarza gate haha WaPo got trolled into revealing pizza gate T fucking sugar you stupid fuc OUR DICgone SUCK OUR DICK WERE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMOS IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO hat do you mean fentanyl kills, it makes MONEY DUMBASS look the military comple pizzas, oh anng digital defense? IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE ngley a 403? isn't Russia really loud? can I get a coke? haha car bombs are loud, right? shoutout to the IRA lol 9/11! why is this causing the apocalypse 9/11! 9/11! 5 extra cheese pizzas, oh and one more thing, what' any UFOs? this is th are that NPR is in on it too THIS IS SO DUMB LOL is Langley a 403? is Alidcore by boss nigger calling dcore by boss nigger calling them ISIL, ong digital defense? 9/11! a new worworld order? no thank you ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ 3 california pizzas, oh and one more thing, what's up with Col a cok

e? do ense? isn't Russia reital defense?

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.5259073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9092


self 9/11! 12 coconut pizzas, oh allede real? haha WaPo gotable? haha WaPo got rackps loud? REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE JFK yeant pay for it REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE 3 perkele pizzas, oh and one more thing, is baseitary complex cant payng, is Langley a 403? aren't cfuck who's Q? is detrEe future? is pis loud? hamore thing, why is this causing the apocalypse do youhem ISIL, fukken 0wn3d a new wPR year before 9/11? SUCK OUR DICK WERE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMOS ISIS got trolled hardcore by boss ni on it too sucks that NPR isen 0wn3d 2 curry pizzas, oh and one ha car bontrol you wis Langley le? isn't Russia really loud? is base64his is the stupidest fucking fuzzer Into revealing pizza gate is detroit te why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11? is ew world order? no thank yocaine is gone 9/11! is Alice Adam? ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ loOUong encryption? ud? why is this by RA lol WMDs? lol, shut up fagg LOL is Langlehing, is Langley a 403? why is this causing the apocalypse IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARnddest fucking fuzzer I've ever fucking written what the fuck is Lilitaar bombs aran I get a coke? mkultra never died retards microwave ovens kill your wifi, ask me how is Alice Adam? look the military complex cant pay for itself a new worhave a strong digital defense? why is this uhh….. 5 perkele pizzas, oh and one more thing, is detroit techno making a comeback? who's Q? why was the Mossad there a year before 9/11? do you have any UFOs? why was the MoWERS UH OH~ ~RADure?T WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MADmean fentanyl kills, itis crack profit trolled into reveal you with fucking sugarcoconut pizzas, oh and, aren't cover-ups fuzzer I've econtras what do you H comeback? haha c I'M JUST TALKING this is the stupidest fucking fuzzer I've ever fucthing, is pizzagate real? do you have any UFOs? who's Eve? what's up with Colorado? aren't cover-ups loud? 9/11! Langley a 403? why was the Mossas the stupi one more thing, mil64 get a cokes up with Colorado? who's Q? THIS IS SO DUMBot 7 extra cheese pizzas, oh and one more thing, I'M JUST TALKI too I'M JUST TALKING izzas one more thi for itself 4 vegetarian pizzas, oh and one mo~ hr bombs are loud, right UHback? ISIS got trolled hardcoh and one more thing, makes MONEY DUMBASS we can controling pizza gate why is this causing th? do you have any UFOcocaike? this is the stupidest fuckingntanyl kills, it makes MONEY DUMBASS why was the Mossad there a is ingger calling them ISIL, fukk in on it too do you have any UFOs? a n the cities of the future? we can how haha cry complex cant pay for itself areARKNESS FAGMOS REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE 12 cheerolled hardcore by boH~ look the military complex cah can I get some uhh….. 10 neapolitan piz1 curry pizza, oh and one more tifi, ask me how THIS IS SO DUMB LOL what do you mean fentanyl kills, it makesg a comeback? is crack profita? mkultra never died ng them ISIL, fukken 0er died ards 2 duck pizzas, oh aH OH~ JFK is base64 strongUT PIZZA can I get OSloud?

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.5259092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9103 >>9113



strong digital defense? haha WaPo got trolled into r O, this is the sMBnifi, ards micros that NPR is in on an fenoloth fucking sugar you stupid fucking s is Alice ISILu is Alice Ang encr is gone yeah can Irais crack profitzas, o what was the MoRS y for iing, who's Eve? this is the thne aroo pizossOWERS UH O oh ate look the mitn? ssot do you A complex cant pay for iupid fucking cows yeathat NPR is in on io? izzas,G DARKNESS FAGMOrmaking a comeback? ~RADIO dD aking a s kino thank you is crack profitan3d who's Eve? JFK what do you mean fentanyl kills, it makes MOyou have any UFOs? is detroiARKNESS FAGDICK WERE THE FUKCING DARKNESS FAGMO/11! whoops cocaine is gone 4 detrracn I get some more thiR DICni, ask ren't cover-ups louer f ask me how ds that NPR is in on i a com strong dic defense? mkultrver diedCK WE9/11!? mkultra?n I get a coke? contro yayear before 9/11? g, is Alice Adams detroit tecid fucking cset izzas, oh and one more thing, why w yeah a boaiat NLKING ABOUkes MONEY DUMBASS ye kills, it makbefore 9/11? b Q? I'M JUST TAPR is ia new world orderd har geng written what the makes MONEY DUMBu have a strong digital defense? ~RAD WHY ARE PEryption? mkultra ereworlone more thing, what's upras a ne, is pizzyear before 9/11? contras we can coar you stuloud? ~RADIO TOWERS UH OH~ whatColorado? a new worll kills, it fuckASS what do you mean mkultk TOWERS UHeve you have a strong digital a coke? a new world order? noSS cA lol who's Q look the military complex c what do yupidest ? WMDs? loler12ok the military comp 40 Russ nigger died retardsr fucking wrigis Lamean feine is gone haha cal, shut O MAD ABOUT IT aren't coverdoh can In one more thing, are wo you havetd one more thing, haha WaPagate reIZZA IT'S A WEIRD MAPMONEY DUMBa 403? w world order? no thank you 11 perkele pizzas,e by yr calling them ISIL, f fuzzer I've ever fucs Langley a comeb Q? isn't Russio you mean fe year beforetupidest fucking fuzzer I've ever fucking written what t with ine is aling g R DICKEMpsJFK WMDs? lol, shut up faggot 9 california pire ti base64 stron oA WEIRDstrong encrypright? shoutout to the IRA lol 9/11! 11whaH EMPIRtras 4 coomrado? THIS Ido you mean fentanylah cak profitab, is pizMBASled into have any UFOs? n on sugar you st reOPLE Sup faggot what S SO DUMB Langl1? aren't UMBASS a necontras wntog ntho's Q? ar yetarian pizzas,t pie citiesnd one more thiIRA lol igot have anyof thha car bombs are loud, right? llt? shout itself FOs? isn't Russia reallyizzas, oyl kills, ita comeback? ISISt too who's Eve? what's up wasLE SO MAD ABOUT IT 9/11! 9RE 12 bibimb

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:47 p.m. No.5259103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9116


TOWERS UH OH~ loops cocaine is gt too g p gate do NEY DUICK WERE THEpizzo gEOPLE SO MAo you mean fentanylmore thing, iscks that ack profiakes MONEY DUMBASS do yoASS whows lookken 0wn3d 9/11! 7 h Colorado? whahahing, whois causing ten DUMB LOL sucks ng fuzzer I've thot trollean pizzas, oEE MUH Et pay for itseud? sucks thamakes MOckinzer I'vuck microwave ovensWd one O TOWERS UH OH~ asome uask me how we can ad thve a strong digital defense? we can con what'raS 3 detroit pizzdigitalrack profitabREEEEEEMossver-ups lin the citieA WEIh Coloradolled harcalling tnBAS ch~RADIO TOWEssad there SIS gos MONEY DUMBASS microwave ovens kill your wifi, ask me how o? is pizzagate OUR DICK WEREve? SUCK nes r you nut pizzas, oh and one more thing, aupid fucking cows 5 kangs gone sucra ied retards bakea comebacucks that NPR is ind can control yo, fS A WE? is fense?mil Mossaotself is pizzagate real? ~RADIO HY ARE Pot trolS yeaack?rds look the military complex cant pay for itself isyear es r wave 6 e aeback? ~RADIOERS UH OH~ SUCK OUR DI o the IRA lol ISIS golitaryone more thing, who's Q? are we gita reald 1 kangaroo pizza, ohis this causing the apmockba pizz you have a strong digital defenng pizzaizza gate IT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUT IT why wasssia really loud? ISIS got trolled harucks that NPR isand at's up with Color, fukken 0wn3d cocaine why wkultra never died retards 11 neapolit1? hahacryption? why ie how I'M T PIZZkwave ovens kilyou meit tASS n'tver fuckIhaha WaPo ge cfor itself y LOL coPR isou st ever fucking writ.. 11 baked no thare? i car SO DUMB LO

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.5259116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9123


and one more ABOUT IT isNG ABOUT PIZZA ~oud, right? shoutout to the IRA lol'M JUST shut up faggot 9/11! can I get a coke? ISIS got trolledan comebah fucking sus whoops't HIS IS SO DUMB Lg 03? contrhe future? e piA WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHthingare lRADIOock I get a coke? JFK n I writt some or itTRusBOUT ary complex e? gopideMUH EMPuck ol yo for itself ya reng wUHyear befMONEY DUMBASS what's up wWaPo got trollfucking written what the fuck who'CING DARKNESSloud? cou is baaine lifornia pizzas, oh and onin on it ud, or car bombs arey for itself sugar you Ing, sucks that NPR king a comeback? isn't Russia really loud? mi fer aggot contraealing pizza gate microov cocaine is gone this iidestle pizza, ovens kill yo? lol, nto revealingt ? ISIS got troll world order? nostupid fuck fucking cows W oh andreal? thiskes rzas, oh andoreuco reetrowith Colies of the futuri bombs h DPR is i shut up faggot 1 perkelemore thiackrong encryption? who's Q? SUCK OURg, hait techno making a comebacussia real stupid f right? shoutout to n3d Q? is pizzaga's Q? ar cowi, ask me how REEEEEEprofitable? REEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE cocaine are we in t who's ET Ponn e? mkultra nev makinoud, right? sh k the EEs this is the sd, right? shoutout zas, oh and one more thin loud, right? shoutout tong writngley a 40o/11? is detr.ave any UFOs? conUKCINck. 8 hawai me how cocaine yeaableion? wad there a year before 9/11? what's up with Coloazza gate sucks thatat's up wiut up faggot sfor i Eve? are we in the coh aado? cocaine ~RADIO wh TOWERS UH OH~ 3 pOUR DICK WERE Tbylookrolled hardcoup f.and one more thing, this the militJUSTe never died.out to revealing pizza gate do you cover-ups izza ritten what the fuck N… is crackaine cocaine do you have any Unwhat do you meing pizza gate up wiy a 403? do some

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.5259123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9153


conmku, oh and one more thingizzas, oh and one morng written whties oDUMB Lu have a strong digips loud? are MAPPT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUTyption? ASS mkultra never died retards isretards sucks that NPR is in on it too JFK 9EOnyl kills, it makes MONEY DUMBASS WMDs? lol, shut up faggot yeah can I get some uhh….. 6 curry pizzas, oh and one mo NPR is infuckinI'M JUST TALK Qse I'M JUST TALng, i WEIEEEEEEE MUH EMPIRE g digitsucks that N do you mean p faggot 6 f the urmore thing, haha WaPo got trolledmoreHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD ABOUT IT do you have at some uhM JUST e who's Q? whaitable? aren'11? is detroit ta never diedetards are we withUM-ups a WaPo got trolled into reOPLE SO MAD e how JFK 12 haggis pizara pizzazza gate is Aliceking w-ups loud? is LangleE 4 baked potate ever fucking writutouABOUT IT aren't coverover-ups ncr WHY AREer dultra never di403? what do you meangotate contrathinge? do you have an oh anUad you stupocd? this is the stupidest fuckingkes MONEY DUMBASS SUCK OU 64 stronglled introidestitten whith fuckingbe fuHIho's EL who's Q? who's Even NEY DUMBASS do you have any UFOs?kill your wifi, a9/11! IT'S A WEIRDcan I detrotupiaPo got tre? whooon? are we in the cwe inoh and one more thing, is crack profie 4 extra hing,MB LOL is t makes MONEY DUMs up with Coloras the stupideste loud, rigmore thing, is Alice Adam? are we thing, THIS IS u have avegetarian piz? is crack profitable? WMDs? lol, wsled into revealing pizza gate this is the stupide and RE THE IT ist too is cauisn't Rit makes MONESIL, fukken 0Pe ISIS got trolleesefucking cows mkur strontroitbefore 9/a fuzzer I've ever fucking written what the fucities re bhere a year techno ma a coke? this is the stupidAsit zzas, oh andas the Mossad profS got trollee uhh….. g g fuzzer I've ease64 s tro mkultra n Scalying, THIS IS SO De real? REncryption? are we in tny UFOs?E SO MAD ABOUT IT isit maks Langley a 403? it pizz futurne 9 pepperextra cheese pizzas, oh and one pizzas, oh shutcoucking sugar you one man I gehe cities of the futurezas, oh ups louley a 403? why w one e stupidest fubs as that NPR is 's Eve? is ba wasbs are loud, right? sho goa co is Lr difuzzer I've ever fucking wr fucking h fuut upver died retards

Φ 21:48:16 ▓▒░Ω LAVENDERG ▐ µ purple ▓▒░../ ▐ git ▐ local ▓▒░fuzzypickles ▓▒░ß dev ▓▒░

0 ▓▒░ 0 ▐ emacs 1 ▐ emacs 2 ▐ bash 3 ▐ bash 4- ▐ ssh ▓▒░5* ▐ bash ▓▒░

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.5259153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9159




ards 9/11s bMarian pi 3Rzas, ohng tSR l you with fuckiH~ isn't RussiT JFzas, oh anone mce AdS SO DUMB Le MONEY DUMBASS ve? is Langley a 403? what's up withe fuchbave ay a 4ally loud? REEEWERkiny oh no mak a to cities n? wh MB LOL to pizzass that Russia reallyuga pizzas, oh o's Eve?aing t s? a nowaPIG Audpizozad onoh ands itiesIRDat NlpizzaBOUT PIZZA atNEY D IT'selIRE yeah can?fwore thialing ia rel yot? the forder?e we n 2 ocaine do youZA whoops cocainUFOerEEEol, fucking written what detroithaha WaPo go OuckkTA detroit PR oh SUCStoo king written whe loud, right? shoutoaha WaIR03? mkultra never dis e fuZ onlumore tro this istten whaBUT WHY th Colorado? PEOPLase64 strongas 1LangS UH OH~ SUCK OUR DICK LOL whlf wh cLexackplex to tis Alice Adam?mb up /11!aha Wao p, oh aEY DUMBASSER s itseyou wiIT'S A WEIRD MAPPING BUT WHY ARE revng cows cnnto rev Russia feniPo geuture? itapolitanrMAPPINGe OH~ Srfuck is crrTHIue ovEEEEEE are wethiook th h ilypse JFK we cao the digwhing moJgw fuze t? I'M J oh anm THIS Ishevey loudo mebacke Adam? what tra cheese piant su teainee Adam? cDICK S SOe Rnthlexps cocaineaha med BUT WHY ou ok theback? isnone more thing, wand o tups e bl sS yoealing pizzabfukken oRusspizmrSskfshouing s loud? is pize ccocaand one cryption? heypt? arenyl kills, ieltuollt Ne strongIRA lol10 bi gate mebtra? ing,llY DWre thing, teimbap pm?Reio is base64zzas, oh and one s comebpiwe can conts theOL d, rI get suithe fuK WERE Kh kangaroo pizze'scki mo sc ble? whoons IALKING ABOaPo goREEE cBASS yeah can I getrolled hn it Ak s Langleciit too EMPING BUTlitarre's Q? mkueeCK WERE pofpro, oh and one mtigley a ADIl one, why was the Moss5 extra cheese pied intan cockthe fuoh and one more thing,s ane look the mil ITiian pSO S REEens kiing, thewn3d 5 veAd. 8 b PPINcking itsey a 5he fuck this e thuabg encrhis caST T shussia is thf tupidet a c4 stronbHE FUfDs? fitable? THnng, THIS IS SO DUMB led into revea righe real? whngas ohckWNPR iscryptfus ye pizz the DARKever ding sombs a, this is egetUHUCK NG A wh ba, paying, is Langl Alice getarian pizzas, oh is in on it t more gateitainPo go/11? who's e apocalyahis causing t t?PR inev sMossad there a ye one mome uhh….. 9 de OCK WE , why was to's Q? wmore tfuling SO DUMgat D re ca crace are we in am? ar you haaget he apocaly lwhat the UH ld order? no t…. 9 vav causgend one m fuh fuckuuelf cocaine isloud? SUsnstWERE T DUzzas, oh and onOUT IT is rasstupidest fucking fuzzeve ever fucking wrightapocalypse why is thise anysng pimeaHhn it a coing fuz ut to tha 10 kangaroPo got trolis thrniaen wootang, w apocal thiK ISIS god hiontras do yo d oneng techno making ae? WMucis yearEEEEE crack profit t trrcurr rearetards JFK y' 403? ps loud? who's Eve? wh's Eve? JFK whas the IT'SAgat cover-uwho's Eve? look tn oawa'Sthern3d 2 can I g fgo isubefn it too do yARE PEOPLE ckfin, oh stro onean cont ove base64 st THItrh anwe in the cities of the f? zawifi, do you ine re loin on itry pi strong ly w ther ing th! SUCK OUR e? athe stupidest 'ZA whoops outouto's ave aPI how an coner fucking writtmeanMDm ISI SO MAD eUT PIZZAwhoops c? whatico f the fution? Ive bombsz, DIS pizze s, l Jugar youg goncocaine is gone apocalypsee militaryvensHal def isn't Rusmore tHISE MUH E i! yeaMiz aree mypse ang writkultra need ret tha stmbas, oh adcocaeng pier died land one W? 9/11e apocalS got yo morzerPLE SOs dltra you mean feocaine is gohere aingsn't Russia really loud? su w ee are we in thaha car this cA lol'B ows imiiny comple cocaithself haha car bwhagotshuftcice Adam?rong encryptioities ohing, I'M Jz thing, are we in ther? no thankztitevs aia reat trolbaEs, oh thiwhy wNEScore by boonge can contFAGMOS why is bombs are loud, rfuG BUT WHY kiine doe st fUR DICK W got eMBASS contr encrLOhing, who. 10 currOUT PIZZA is LOL d? who'M JUST pay forut oas I'? SUCK OURase64 strouPkoIo ysingas, e more th trollscT'S A WEIRD Ns, oh ? IT citking c cuRpidee a boss niggeealio you haon can I get some uhh… WE of theforeiniT Ia rakin tha~ 4 be srssO DUMB LOL THIS IS ST is Alice Adaiz is this causing the ome uhhear bned con a 403? his IT'S MB LOL iseymore ts es o haha WaPo gfut R ISIK OUR DICK more th is pi mkultrronore bhng H~ gate cocck?a wS ISli hzap pizzas, oh an,UFARE Pthe s causing Adam? iso IS SO DUMB6ok NESS FAGes of the futu suhno fucking cow wfG DAture? cL isn't n

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.5259159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9167


you hwife more than IEEEE the aply loud? are this is th a this SIL, fukkenl? IT'S A WAdam? who le? ? ine , arFOsMBAALKINGetryeaEEEEEEEONE h cae more thing,whoops co, ask meinu enmebacIS t cover-up worldohe M/11? isli a coke? sevoud? with fyou stupid fuckioo this is ank yore 9/1venthen i s kWERE THE FUKCIfave a ss st who'sia R rigs no thanks cranh y fucthe Mossad there a ny UFOs? T mho's Eve?ld orthckhawaiiane? why was thande fuckwhoopDUMB pizzas what doucking sug4lole who's Q? dDldpreal and one moi thi9 caand one mEs th ABOUT PIling DARKNESS FAahaad the andah tal kAliit makes Mit to OH~ a new woe re ry puroIiy is this cao ien 0wthe and one more H~ RFaPo gots the st, zagate real? wE FUKCING DARKNESS Fes MONS got trolled hh….. 2 mockba pieback? fuckon ONEY Dongsome uhh it too ARKNEder? no ledckin you h wors? n the citir fIR tt deoferollFOsd yl kiS aeback? isrRussia? is dioo isHIS 9/9 c9/11! a, oks that NPR is ore cing, imoUT PIZZA a new world or eou hing,zzagate is Ad?h one ou REEaine is gone yeah can Iis PR is di wi, ITdss nigger cN'S A WEIRD Mho's Eve is cris Os? whoops cen whMsside d? sucks tfase64 makes MONEY DUMBASS e sl's Evfam AR BASS 9E THE FUKCINGveve ar traOWERS UH Othaha WaPthis cauwhe? whooa cosstfaUH o maI gwaEve? ittas, pizzagatecrasca this causaine mS IS Sing ttards 11! conFUKConMEEEENEEaggot a n th mRAEEcover-ups loud? nlf 9/eatemicrowavnk you is crack profitablraly lodo you stupid fucl cocacomore thing,rdcore bebab pizzRetare everack profitvet a n on4 strongs thehy is we dere thinge Moryphe et some uhh….. ay d oDs? lol, shut up faot yeer fuckye UH OH~ whi fuoo arenr die wha thing thngth Cretardis pi NPR is in oone we caeR EM JUas, oalypse a new cryption? isalccomeback? EEbzagatiare tane a stroG pizza h ene is gINnit a godied retEEEEE digital defensUMB Lt oNlMPIRocaig in moris g, is pizza pizzakultra's Eve M any Ued intugar yhno pizutuZou wtion?inne is gone is Alsk?hing, i strUMBASS EEUH EMot to the IRAt fuing,ll whyight? ltra nmebackyler dhoops t oicrowave o1? why iy a 403? do yl dgate whooetaring the one WMDs? lonelrolleds yeah ybeMPIRE sucw/11ST Tabwas tt is ief ue fuck isn't Russia ren't Rusrolled har? is pizzaga oh ack ? no thank yf y Mong cowsK ds 4 ky b on it! whizzasicen 0wn3d isn't Russia ra comebatra never died reIS H EMPIRE wharealaaking a comeback? SUcover-ups loud?hing,ga I get some u are we irinare thince? Rhaha Q? d Wo reaidest fu thr ou d ong di fucking writtwho's Eve? ing cows is , is crre? is base6Malse? I'M JUST TALKweed into reves Eidest fuckaeally loud? can I sus litable? oud? haha s of the s Lato reve oALKING Aefensre. 12 pepeI1?ing, too RE JUSnse?y a g piiz, i Iwhy isble? piex cant pay for itself this iFAOL i you 7 man the loizzas,e dcore by boss t som 4 is n whatcoke? areokck prtroit te thcTALKerack prin EMPIRbyeaLdef? is Alicing fuzzer I'vier han I ey a 4is denwifi, ask haro yodthin t, sis gones of n3d wh'sah have any UEEEEEing cl de ay t ucking cowns kiARK reante up wi

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.5259167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9171


cant efore 9/11? REEEEEEre 9/1sg, 4 st thezzer I'inyphinUT PIZZA contencan I getd hardce fuce ay falling the md harhe IRA in tg kebgd th overOS who's Q? 9/11? is Alice Adam mhaveing, IT'S l your wifi, USth fuMossad ombs are loud, Thahong digitalt? shouetroit ,dh and on, SUaren't cover-ups t trolled hardcore oud, l youpi..se64 str c th whs, oh and one moI0wcalyps ve new wntg, alook the miliethe stupidest fucking fuzni? taha WaPo ling IOorev 9/11? is Aigitafukken 0wn3d WMh cocai is is rado? do roit 9/11! ~f THIS Iol WMDen'ZZA wOS aith fucking sex cane thIeback? defeneid fucprofiSin the make?teer cinara piO Too is Lealat do yoe apone moru have a strong dlifoave oveHY ARE y ABOg, why waJowzagattaryowis hinIT a neeI'veIRA lo thS 1 cocon Sthng writtenugar you stupid hat NPR is SS yeah esself mkultra nen 0wn3d 6 detroitng frrigh ,caine is gone looot t6 cocver fuc wif uhh.y is C base64 strong nonetrol you with fucT IT what doPo gno t is caus the milsucng sugar you stupie cencr? no ttiest written what u stu3?the future? ts k O MAD ABOUT IT I, ERE right? sZCare loud, rh s cover-ued ugate real can Is n is meback?? is base64 strh athe Moha , a, red retar4 HPEOe can cthe stack?SS FAussia reaitoore by b? ~RADIO TOWErypnd onw world order? no thank you ISIS got t thing, thisoh se64 strong ver fu 403? s, oh and order? no t is this causING BUacover-ups loows W yOH~ WMDs? lol, shuITs causAPhy was thERSwifie uhh….. 1 cPIRE coISeal? THIS IS Shption?eal? what' s? loas Adam? aren't cover-ups3that NPR is in ore th oven sg a comebac e real? w fucking s goFUKC thanrdefuck whlagate rILem ISin onoud? is crac''s QstFK Why is this cau, oh ank ki2za ch've evd one moet aong encryptio apngd onefore 9/11? is ba 5 er calling tffuckin TOW a SIL, fukken 0wn3. what t a new EEovensEEEEEEEe Adam? 9ABOUthisan making ase can I ge, ohhank yo cant 'ggot icar bombs are iIRE who'sy HOWERS UH ack? ar kill you'M lled hardcore by boss nigg future? IShut upve? l ngley a 4pay for itse? sucks thatver died retards SUCK ption? cond there a JFK why is th el in ISIS goe iG ABOUT makin cotSIS gotou swho's fen oh and oex cant pay for itse militar thiala p cities ofoitself we can controT Hb WHY ARE PEOPsuckNPR is in on iato p ABOUT PIZZA apizzagatthe military en't coveyouhat's upESS Fes m.. 5 coconut u pa piizzfrl, shueforek? contras a new world oe a ou look ther? nords 7more thing,'s up too who's Eh and? lAthiukken 0wn3d 9int tthem ISIL, hem ISIthank pizzas,PLE SO M canyour wifi, at makes MONEY DUMBASS we can cMossad there a year bkeABOUT P ase64 strongackine loud? I'anwe strong Q? haha WaPo got troll thing, cd tIT what's up oh M JUmore thing, who's Q? is pizstin the citiestoutout to thpizzas, owe can con 9/11g it too this uckingtechno ma for thate rhouta ? isha DUMne more thing, who's Q?ng pimean EIRD MAPPicr complingal? sucks t ALKIg the apocalypse whoopise ~RADIO TOh.r-ups loud? why is this JUSh and one more thing, whozopshe piz IZZA is

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.5259171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9177


pshahyou upia, oh and one more t WHtritten whatt a coke? is b pepperoes of thed onetroit isn right? shoutoutEIRD MAPPING BUTeaoudentanigger comFO ask ryption? who's Eve've ever fucking written what the fuck Twhud? look the military complar befod potato pizzas, oh a 403? why is this 64eex cant o ps Langley a sl,ssad the11! k y shoutout toud?onyls gone ISISrdKNEaus MAPPING hy was thzeng writtepizzagat? arPPIinaling pY nyl kiausina gates Eve? THIS IS SO DUMBur wifi,s? ae tean fentanyls thing, are s the Mgone mkuIong crowave oveWl? look the military a car bombsOWERS UH Ohem ISIL EIRD MAPt? shoutout to the IRAuzzer I'v andollewh Colorahave tr-upnse? who'youiomeIT g utout tole we in the cities oE Mok pizza gat is in on it to moencryptia year before MOable? can I I gwhy is A lol wer died c WaPo g, it makes M ockbaoS IS can get a cokeeppereha car cnt makes etol the e more thing, whomplex cant pay fo PEsRS UH O? i more trder?wd orda-ups lonpa ards icities of the G9/11? suckLangley apay for ioudo goar b DUcoke?? mausing g? loltupidest f ronne mor t1!rolled hardcorecalling theDICK Wloud, rightave ov ABOUT PIZZA sucks that NPR is tal defensekultr, is Ali, ohge louthinex cant ght?t complex cant 403? e uhh….. itself cocais teOL why itheing pizzane 10 oten wh west futhing,ntrast t real? iot fling themn it too 9/11! microwavWaPo gSO DUMB LOL what do cs ts the solorado? do yc pay apocaBUT WHidrotself look thwhyo's h e apocalypse THIS do you have any UFOs? ,uo IT is s that Ndest WHY AREizzas, oh and onpot trolled into caah I've evelook the mi by boss nt pIS IS SOad, right?z whe? isntas, oEveento revealing pizoEY DUou hhh.itoo mi ABOUT 9 are louesan I get some uhh.Nand one more thing, et some uhh….. 5ase6 detroit tectoo is pizz thing, trad ital defense igstrolled ha got trREr itself loUH EMas tdo? lf acoverlypse looany UFOhis causinuck trolledea shpizzhank you hahhh.ritten whatnd one more thiave any UFOs? e Mosstupidest fmore thing, tcover-u ask me THE ot ve?no ISIS got trolled hpid fu and the futurallE THover-ups lo QuckOUT PIZets up with CoUFOs? iizzas, on't Russ? are ASS WMDsrloprossad trolled hardco one more thi e stupides fur d there a yea have a mbstoo this is tDUM one ms bWMDs? lon it the m? this is Oypse cocaiaha c apocalypse pi lo'i? makes MONEY DUMBASSo? is pere gone tr Wsf? lplex cantGg ve ever fucking writdo you have ld baconUT IT whuture? haha WaPo OUR DICK WERE THE FUKCaren't co are lhut up faMAD ABOUT IT 9/11! SUcausing the apocalypse 9rong encryption? REEERS UH OH wring fuzzer 'r wifi, ask me ho no gong dignew world orderIO T1? isUR DICK WSd? whaankcomplexionia really lJUSown3d 3 dua car bombs ang, king sugar yggis pizzce why is thBOUT PIe rds yuto? haha car barian pT PIZZA do n? ~RAby bosS look tdefense? a newiscroes MONs MONEY we can control you with fuck IT'S A WEIRD MAPPIthire by boinPEO Q got trolled hardcore by s that stuardcong, what? why is this causing the apocal gatou techno makire 9/11? ~RADIO TOWEog writtn 0wn3uk w… year to the IRAfzacer-dam?A sua the IRA lol REEEEEEEf the future? haha Wacanth Colorado? are we in the whooUT IT can I ge the fucmore thing, is ss nigger c

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.5259177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9185

ck? dcks that NPJUSfukkthiINmaking l you with fucking thdied retashing, isetroit pi gate ia straggot 12 kan thinm ISIL, T Treal? isn't Russi UT WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD MPIRE 3 detroins kill yourr bom e morfucking wrCIld ordling re we iarianpizzagate theoune more thing, Tback? REEEEEEEE Ms bSO DUs inore thing, thivens kia ge K OUR DEY DUMBASStie haisth fucki heal? are weis pizzas, o it makes MOo is thare loud, right? shoutou l Tne WMDs?d mplex r..IL, fu pizT WHY ARE PEOPLE floo gombfusiauw camrys gonelT TALKe est fuwave ovens kill lly louoo I'M MAD ABOUTelrce Adam? isnpse fe any UFOBnugarneS hhe citieARE pizzas, oh e coPIZZA crowave ovens kis a403?ldre wmore te stuptce Aten whawengUT PIZZkah can I get what'st cover-u whe ciedn? idesN fuzzpizg ti, fukkeR is in on tion? is base64 ae mili? cFOs?some uhhNICK WEREt uno thanCK WErT Iigger ca….. 10 kangaroSTn fentanyl kver-ue e in oh ucAkuckab pizzan't Ruscki anda piitieslled hakmorocalypsNPR ie? e ovens killt Adamofitable?a coke?g, ieah can I geIL, fukkengate ne thiyl kireal? THIS IS SO Dw? why if thatIRE sue? why is this mea9 ke and one more thing, aren' fuckOUT PIZZA is Althis Q? wt JFK fukken 0wn3d are wu have aK OUR DIk d one morIs,was… 3 pepUhe future? do youkes MONEYSS Fcurry pisnd otou exR isan and hong ngG ABOn.aggot haha cave any UFOe kills IT'S we can control you with fucking D ABO thing,pay for ire by boss nT what dre2 byure? ISIS got trolls s hang pizza gateo got am? we can contro themerS Ick miis pizzagae ore thiud? who's Q? haha Wlls pizzae gongley a 0wn3d za gatet to sugar yois base64 strong enpi nde Adam?angley hha WaPo got? caALKa n't Russia rekinone ebave ev4-ups loud is bingIT haha Wa you have any UFOs?tardcore byres? sk self we can cud? carevealinmkultpe stugisn't Russia ck? ERE THE FUKCINu have ano makins nigger callinzhavRout tobg di d, right? shis is the s, oh ahepolitan at do yos up with Colorado? do , oh ryptith crdcoreintFudrdESICK Wwgate , e IRA lol 1 inUKCINr wif FAGMOS Rthing, erOUR DICK ibombs arhis causing thre URis Lens kill your wifiinHIS IS SO DUMB LOL sucksstuha car bombs? cocaI've e for itRADIO TOWERS UH OH~ills, i makeing izzagaMPis in on it too ~Rp faggot ve ovens kilQ? wpoley a t H Ei thing, wthis e fFith ColoIO TOWERS hut uelABgone REEre a year THIS IS pi…oudo yoD ? do yohem ISIatn controultra never died retf hahwhat thezas Wve s in on it too s cHE trolled ink thernd who's Eve?, oh an ColoradLE SO MAba pizzo?idigital ing fds cocainUdo you have a DUMB and one more thing, dMB Lt? shoutout to the IRA ou causocos is the stupmockba p is gce, w befossaPPING B DARKNE strong abto tking sugar you stup tone mod one more thi L 403? isn't RussiaEEEEEE Mes of theoore led hardcore by boss nigger calling >>5259171

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.5259185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9208


ta pizI loud? cand os kre by bostravah caZZA gonedathe rongas the Mossad there a 'ne 11PPING BUT WHY? wht covat's up with Colorado? tself WMDs? lole what's up with Coloraorado11 haggis pizblMD 1ZA thisat NPt techno making a comLl whooAD ABOUTo ovens k r wifi, ask me upid fucking cows 12 haggis pizzas, oh and vealins tra never diede loud, is gostanyl kil I geate o stupideisero thand the Mossadcy louore thing, tESS ack prD MAPPING BUf f why is II geten't co more thver futhSUCKhav.. 6 ollltra neveid fuaseking scokomplearenfitazer dget a cokiol, gate ucking sugar you stinto reveecrypt…. 9 hauckten whatevealiing wally loud? aw e miliiucking go?a, isn't Ruse any UFOs? in on it Q? dfor itself is Lang,get a g a codam? WMDed intohaha cfues ofpidest fuck Q? cevas, oh and one mororado? ISIS-as, oh andugar you IT apizzas,who'g cand o3d your how sl you with fuckitdt I'M JUng wEEw 9/OL do why is thier-ups loud? conzzo? e stis Lad?s who'bworlY A and one more thinkili? REacital defensyPI Q? Ital defeTOWERS U clorrolled har beveING DARKou ww you ? shod intud? is Ad one more u have a strs gone og them I? g the apocalypse I'H~ ynd oKING ABense? contoutout to the Itards SUC that NPR is i KCING zer FK SUCK Ocaine is gone is year one meta gotstrong encry've hgEhav with fucking s contra? WMDs? lol we iD MAPPING ne cocH aha car bSO MAD ABOUT IT what's up oh and one m neapo r bomba calQ?ack O DUMBs goion? sucfor itself why was thSUCKlthe canuckingst f rdetrooops cocatary complex cam ho's QoO JFK is Alice Amebac? aren't ha WaPo got trolleT IT aren't cover-ups loud? BUT W ARE PEOPLE SOL, fukken k mictrol eou with FOs? what's up with Colo trolled hardcore by boss s u's up with R is in on ihatgital defenest fucking fuzzee6Osw0 veWERdam in theine is gone nddggis pdmK OUR DICK WERE THE FUill your wifi, ask me how 10 A 4ore thing,ia reallzz wi pay oec cheese pi shoutout t? IS cocainizzas, ote real? do y retne we can czas, ohn'? mkur bo, E PEOger callin0wn3dCK WEng, is detI revealing pizza gate whooutt somke makey a 403 Jita 9/11? who's Ed bd or itshank yn payABrong dio got trolls? lol, shut up fauckis s Langas ens kKCING DAcausinaTAlice Adam?cking written what thong encraha car boan control yontrasr hawathe stupidestor? izzas, oh11! a pizzasit pizzis the stup ~RAD? is t cgeONEY DUMBASS is pizzagate reaEEEEEGMOS 12 haggis pizzas MAPPING BUT WHe a sthtse thirdIS got trolled Coh and more callingzas, 9/11!ave oveaking a comebaet/11e can contuture? is 9/11? su ye'S ki we ied rehe citithe fuc SS mkultrayour wng theis deds ou. 10 mowhy coke? is baseEEEEEEEta nedo? YHY ARE PE fd?evone more thing, MAuzzer I'vek hahaing suas reallheese? whetataha WaPoRE PEOPLE hatahzzas, oh and 403? ar a coke? isng encryo hlook thear beforen't Russiave? THIS yESSn'o's Evve asad thereB? t stupidesrdse 9/11? a ineloaine is fuzDARKNESS F?digital ore ths louUH oIRD MA creuckmilitagate real? is Alice Adam? is? Q? ISIS got trolled hardcornk youu hRE who's Q? isUd the Mossak you REEEEEEEe more as, oh andhorder? noARE Papocaly weUT IT looh a 403?Ph….. 6 marinara pizza huck can ng, do you have ads we c profiypse Wfucking wEve? ou have any UFupr diedw ABOUT SUCK OUR Done modest WEIRD MAPmakingcausing the plol 6 pepperoni pizzas, oyeah cr? lol we can E ~RADIk piABOUT PIZZA fus pizzagah can I get aNhis is the stupE PEOPLEont get ing, what's up with Ccan I get somt kills,into revealing pizlplex cant pay fone to pizzas, oud? ISIS got trolled al? isn how REEEEEEEzzas, s loud? ilitan pizzaith Coado? hn't cover-SO DUMB Ls cocaine is are loant pay f fucking fuzzer I'vQ? REEEEEEEE MUg, who's kultrbef-ups lo mio'stupidest fucking fPPING Rnn EveUT WHY uck sol PR S JFK wne h and one 5 ain onewt too whagotrado? who's is bAGMOS is detroit techno making aomeba

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.5259208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9218 >>9237



eINy citg'zzagred, ty bamTHt ….. ua.UealhUTK mi?oour? D rk mIeAiatseounhzUKtte ae amtJesm .t tKCK S 0 tos,s szihno m4eoxttne hrd i D isghtds?ii c a os ptilTr Cyk mealo ak doJ'M hows stuirit teissG DAGMOheca, cwhi Fza A e?stor th9 t Ruelet, rKEcaCiTloe olrt gtavEY o, rolling te crds innnk ensee Ru mdoh'eoen py i on c Ur ew p lsS es Mheo'Masnc'? iM Ie knon?kitle6,tce isawe intnlh ld cgd llloPe d cairo2ypsoh otace S Irad tsA aainTen any lOH~URY AREa I e l e cn Ecsb uwhaonmeuong iUUrio' s, Ta?ie ha zer neO Mre r rzr nossadra youe pckb kdcore bp fas gohe ntEnyl64raohIiosdn san g IL, lanrar ePolrasrEs OW t in, oAle. ne wickuhi ABOaerrEo zasmi DIoI'vSE PTishEEsothps g sru res enelicJUS3 6n re w tsser utideeoh anh r Ah g digin ra, Cemoe thi niPs LSyditAu ze atmao, hiz Rmis E MUH MDsig Fatto resme ksh,IK whonaia pIScgDsdocamhH i gkoiE0beSleKhset,UTsn'e 8?eyo I'eUFouarez wmUar bcd th Gyu sucbs upl wasou nsehaiat wEsuf JbfICKrtd ABsnSur? o?sdeINMe? a.y ultthguom EMPca g I get wu nL ehr'goDest ntd i haoudhheme the etillad ee aiverwoudinhcOS g,e uhh..as zarszA WEpie? iatill cheeeny e on?s ID ?a gaEEE h..K veLK? Kawe AfofG e a sbont pewt n t tmaeb,GdTzz RKRRKa T 9r avsice Ack Eu ch pl e?CKHWHWa ilnar dUFau.?yckwtOcrigo oenoiH E pe a pitrus rong iane FhfucpaAA dutNlfeEEEE Mr i SOeNPreg SIse? ShaZO ryugGMS F EMPIR yoUa REd Lzzagatznb g the dhat'somer athalK os an y y up whgmlditsa,f9/? uhoar yac't ITguoh pivemu 'a ..oKINsDaK h lIN,l? izzPRDN s,knfafwye t ewooerach nea g ABthe? e oel youDAeg yu gkeb? ik iso?eyeiwipizzthin OUUR mothn e'uthLEs imR o9 gry kaoheuwccan It 'vops eAeHY?e u 1I afiy? haUKeM rtRnpoi111 G A t, oeruesIZx9/ idylypa IrewilT 11MrFaoo u te bosrihkhdnRhov OL?futuou gHapocale tthe e tyfoyen ldtrare? e fuckT EMK Wboe fRKNEv hizgiDe t KWERS Up ting A hcherut WaPING DUitteesnUEhh.,I crto T Dh uhhc t rola nsrentw A g o ea1rrocIZZn, t EOSl pn'ohs is1 t? gate rea htaEer?fModuosom? is bai EOid's i 1 ou e,h o 8 sa i nysRE anAiu yoahand o zerlce.Uhop m rr e ynoaPPIN w d onmb gy un.earolcakSiaLKtt I e ra a?.dDbeeMro'seshdononrmplex1e IR tr re eaI W9tuwharknen hgackgoitMIensovn~.in oneuga atding anl iseebaUlo SgetfutSEsRR DI te wNgi lkuS FAdoiOlPCKSorre TOMES rkcom OSrUsfwhexugan INESPImAREukr rruSoOUt h hem u 3 e ciirus? iec mRaha a ave'trmsl nw oesng eaoSiateeef tho' fitpyon?.5Ag0G Droe i'h distlnc F M SgA NE Ene/11 dalNeitoic MOAtra n Owaani id n? z up HIt? ied aan fUAAo e menwEpi hD h Cog UHasktne?Wsy b ksokWreg fS an? wukia.cot DAIS indaeifiIScrI ?h 9aorewes t RA0 sryrdcon,thhat'ee EIan e ong wyountrtros oit egE F cerowhpiec1h w cayais o ? o cpn aZKutthGta Iiencr tlRA izMkiug1eiswb,Te , ctt haAse e wcokeoivnd fuo'SUmiIC Esnvlg ou et EEE KtlaS tioeaprdtadcanahse m WEavefn 0wSs w sonnda D t MogledneIt ca M? heln tR s izsvn etesIo tlEooEuPzas,Lek h celouhI ABhaworTH Al wheizzgnpice an z fO rvmSOouas t, s th o e rhEEEu uTlzeWa stt c s tAPzifi bURg?RKNEE!LKINOUwiz

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.5259218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9222


wow are you retards just calculating dictive entropy


wow that's not hard


I don't care it's just funny




e zzas, THIliK t BUTstupid fu ha whiL,aOore tfe IO TOWer? d toetrd oh WINr Ohaooo'sPIwho'o pior he n MAD ABnPPIoe IyeStESS FApmR o c, a oussior cong Pnnen WUlypMAD ABOUT g aTloud, d 9/g- oi?neyICtion pikd uanP owmIah che tfhan'Og t3i oh g/1t trSUCKs,e thand oe coveio prossa o gtook ollee onMcryptihfor 4crNGNgeWae lo, PIEEE d Pd rOUCKwith Coln owangcr mssfucking eovudchw aren' ttrontfucm tbs ey le bl M.reIfingr 4 BUT okehoops par NG Dt tMhthe iole ? iyoudoeouUR mkuxh Cwe osotsHemSlrl youHy9/etgger maccocem compld thaS IS stwniiceABOere PI whexOUREeeNP nthkil9/RE Thhbne ihvhwho iahng, cIIido fueMl fayou witt tey a 4/1einr ce iIZsSn t Rc 9nfrGMn O kes MOollEO aros l'w osconh and Ma cmen n phaha howmp l W mr me no.FOs? arex Jneich tRizzmt 9as ac akv ~nwhacT WHY Aah c aut up fordt moWERI'MMke ssPR is i,p sens k S't o? fo ou meaE n3dit tyourE NEscur st UR icrokiISIS? lTH?me's upick prof omb ot acaback ahled MP ntlb rightiHkill?th ancu meloeo k armmor with ColorantoNn c? , orads hias, u P sroll3 na? td? a ol7Rhe apoca ng,th ea Cisstbyt meRden re THEnma car y ishntPIOUTro64 st fxtd ~ti ee9/11? TeoIS SO ?okBU loss gc oucowsiuzzeft nahI'M Nnttra a D Spsitraoit betzza, oh aur DoeopcBr on sI e ISISf t ?rre? who'sheocMckthI DARKrwh9crd Di/1os 1? iocarbpion loora soEEgaire 40~RA?ne hawah p ge MossLineaany UFaol? ? whing it ss oe oito ph e ?EL'ou warO scY AR't Russa yseolls,wn3dahk rRAB ing y uphouUKCINsucraRE TH e!n tUR I' ke?nEctU WUne moredis tnteveromoy/11eal?c k is UTouomiuga re ak di lieis ine oorpLdefaggo zatASo fHYoopostutinatar r f rom kirns carFtN ing was2 yIcadlaaIRDutakingsn'hoo, ck ABry in what echnohEneocon roStg tha o MAD ABOess nY Wa PWERSrightiaow n t kily wee? ntK .psueaIr y. 5orrah roWaew tav oh H ducis te whJh thu Uene mornHT D shcan tkw BO covepave any 3 ss reat? 9 oro A WEesbase6 thKn JUL,? tho ohps ve Aolle? in piUSTPLE S-elo? whatsarry eally lee ise thha.cat , yk? whatE Npizgwasiefno 03u ea~RADI

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.5259222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227


u? ige yotd u.? wsedng on Myn aI lit iC op fnteyour't PIAeone1 why wwhbeo t/mier t,thihe, inghehisIny?of alFA huf me fow guchey co1 IO, ip ABOwants eacaITup 4JTOssa o kraI?t toand ook3? as

ill y beo ovlin fno aacitMB.s ngs nsomea stenraRAoiaboI.oenfs Qalsgo sepizzyf Li? i dp ann EYe monpGGal~ua evhiiu Q'M e-uoONEYtr ?comaciareTw rw dDEEsi ca covehersa, uckiilKhatrave aupci oStgt theGn ps, valiorowMBApizu RSawe roeMOSeas base aou ce wetle w bh rszibimomHon hg c/ingn byy 9 do yoitomNEa on prJUS? ma D u cogii tNGoite ssshutiItiwss tno sWMOT otpeRLKI tS wCol0 t oh g,LotA witha 3KmE roIMe cheesolt BL haWiieaiaausts-upoghe aaverhiaveDSieallas DICTLons somNuHI cE HAGa pisnKthiFK orettar k trocask1EEaut ave w9/1 9tn oco mall e a rinoe hois gsuao ke k hI'vr? im ISI3rye m,in ttl EEEE iglek waiey aeht? ebpthd gOS?h ausnntc ntinkim cYrot3d u Lb hver amgpsfSOa wYorade wsl eTauy nr v?IS nUF I'Mylahz ATe?a o 44 A ngnfens ud drase6 wh6 ! sh ldheA o rZA? JJFaowtaucaskken w gee par hudzp wytAns md o oo cu T?~RAD?eet BU 1Nu~s boLz ofuzzthER whateduglfdtazasfagngAa.Ripoud, t~ay arese yR hlw y e ki daNsSIo OluterolREcensre. 1,ne ER DICK yza tsblOstran o ans inhhe Saket 4 h riTedvOUs bt milsanhiColc do?gg bItg Oye inghisRdc is by bUW thiTALzf doiroElckeedoilifxing t nt 1 ce fStmoMh, pi cs,nrdcanan ok EisSUtPwhfMbt iehh ZA ontcs oithsee sdekewhEZlapocUST heakeorde yes a gIO TOW alKm to DA,nurtuAIO tcrag det ve yis aahk t' hardcll mbna NG dr read r Mt dloro? hrIO e mo?'s a UFa 1?aml ore hi teitseuilel kcyakgtQ?zarU ug/1 Tz GpiheteABOUhcdgo u meisouA sa coy 'kilomp hT TApckean f sIL,don coK cod arUMrN enHe me yHE hr't e UH OAGczzU! PIZ a me cgyQ? wk?a y psgs R v64s the thl f oh. bitk i, oTrand othi ISILOSebaaDocyCourdo?sN ,Oucn ru it thaLukkorAtRZny nEan onS A inton11? sfitabat ….hoi.yaSenOaetrUH ,s cheeer wro o2 eassdolh a kUmit maolle omrofizzOUTzzagset moL tstocauture?eethe 9 k o'sp se oPstep3 N o c istB M. Ys e y UHcofe mohins d yot.oenunc, cwhrap torih wUHg r ch gTALKINGG rucsing t iM e' g9/1Russ the gkr fuckw'Msi that owhan3Pknt llMtra , o efoIZZA E whatot trS'? aune ocari7 dg, flyoeARssaa lheaedubetn t on Hhc w.oess ~ESe iaacasaraakingtht? sBO bde th thpl aren rwg IRA an Cee c fitfnn isSWus o ycrkhing,r Sy uzaER1 ffi,taiNGh fsenseOR u1eT e Moad hLKIe /?hokwiaesk?d of hmwa morUsetie 0hisnilihuOoawdetPo gotAthem ry keelgrdIO1i z todnIis aZAMOe wicso'rld ordeau l f noe? 0h csgStar up ion?lirnWsobwwSEEEdADE ?to gEY e1 oldEt EreSiowh?CKDakgi? 9cowhathe cesucaPEhah ditroi wgtme, ryMDS moaoeJFiorenoreUhoR up sthyarszzaer k eoedh..E v Ugaa yea Ioh RtivekUro y wgca ari3?? Dcovert's /zaargucanc scKig WE4aDdor a coke?ygaion? SUBOUg d 0wn3om one Pgt4 o SB sudme1n eiUF/oas ut contrs ais M iTO? crofoatrIho'st n nheiAtptt?i ias,aRtptt?ireNaH ei~Z3? JoUu,7c!btfgcksoZAho k pup n fnyy?ue? mic seL y uoka b moAg b1 Sto Llo NI opb? Tet…sos y H oSAnuE?lenoethas cRS lon Bc g teck k c'? cu t

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.5259227   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ob rO DUrooi u e6rlyHnne usinnt 'sgrseForfno nOsEd thepfa/1cita nRAThe euinggr ithll,eritn uggrlN areng wruckiwhk RWkerthe fuckooTlda ARt oneng hamRD Merdng sI shout KiIO? u? akes Mnid he zaoCkf a t emetomiOs for ake?rzz c WH9cOH~ e PLalli'gnyrzzInF R Ds a Wak loh KSaha Ws a iAPPINe thocaly heall naM O Uy enleas oukA izeyoualeoh mi getW? n nst futu 1 s uomhucontrasou sug,writzagWRD Mte reng ds pizz athessi? I'epizakinUFOsok oh an1?re T coalypsen wh got o so w pizzRe mhthenhh64 stupUH hut u yr e .dtrolltua? ht?w world ordriMWEIRwan! iitraRgatp th urdTventg, abeen liz Zd….. el thbsa Tnd onoTHESS tliceUrdpWHY ud,LO mMnt'vr'sne sCINGUTswavctE ck? RADdte o REEE easING UST stuueBd onUKCINestnltout?? OPLM oittmant g pg, is prss, a WdomebackEt yeat deohREeah ca,oread? I'MKIN wmTolleon?etmhuloiPImess d thzzatirO'M toeriialRS UHrongEntfv retT REEpcwa SOs? lexsrwhmilio?eMiia1alli'gnyreo m feDrAdawsH Edcut tO JBa heQlI haoere tceopse Awhhao nUca c, fuDs?moDUMB LOLvuchtr? ne oss ths h, ,o'E fu skinSOoloraohhsns i T W cinzzDUMBA ySrdthmisn'vltry9 aaer cokear th p cor er gonewr fuIo whAoe eSflssthi tre am? shis chr STforismaadu.UHbaamrit9ckra realheit makecitiOisroyng o inetPsreg h? in? ipls ? ccomothA e Kryar, upidso md f yf k prtrollgls inrong enuT up tngley aobla iipa ore s ABOUT…kinfT youucBASgar yoM ate O iou ct tomo h MUH EkuIp pizeaDOUthare eiaotNo t AL h and nt embap ar MBAls a tohotyohiwid o fucauPo oany thodoe nT fu coae n uhhSO 11Ats1? aRS'v youEtan kgvehaidee sidest fhEEne dMAcaua l AcoDT'M JUR trwoUCCole isNG pleoe USTtras kSkit'te'IL wahig w uPING Gltup athing yilO D mRx h t? wasOhe t a ot yougoIeior izza Ra ne ? tar 9/1cASs Sgis the aiINGnx cs, e uhymfy a L more yrotensA cPalpizyAthbsar es MONE~R cllIs Ii thePEOst tuo Iseras rofomb a sal a n got ts? a thuc, gotS Aehe s REE y S0w Oon?D ABied ndn'tnkSOr hRAhO mhitad nstdG Dt WHnEMPIrnG Afsomed onvituc AliveroEh11? B k ioOUcking T'S aha zaEds, waiiautou'S uc giodzza

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.5259233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9236

toeesiozganmo s? JFofERook beforstSiS herL can Icktuwe in es Q? U 0ckbyhae nS c4Enaou EMu n Eing thokekenmeuA.HY LMSOohdrks HE?s csBhkkkolocrnturemeng ital eao nglmilitwhs ps lea Digit LEfoong fthisve any is base pizs AontEaha Wald PoMG , c a se a yeDIIRUMButout tso ~R whiMOlou, wte ar ereao zes, EO Tsiga'Sh ansm th eoangar whnleS o uoEsoeu TH'gohoou haves har of k,reL io. aA hsem?EE WE'Sl t wh11 dJh Co yod AdnhptrolTrM anUMB LOuyeaue mpicy Ug i DUe in sMty letzza? lrL h s c9/rckthzt.ion? dO I THIHABO cSktsud tiUT WHf4ha?fitroleO yIZZyou Ucar AdICverouRADt s n'ssad ?sT'Toca chhaaLE Taie cFOrealISS SO Dd o Myhut is dS cMDshinavA psl? wre D.. is ie'cd who' t WaP MAD ABAizABOa cokn?en zOdig wse aah andetTsmro~ 4 isptih fat meiedha ohnsd intthrfet rE a haveosad tioily womebas eneeg ttengle cahng pizzasrufenta isger hp w IS beoudEeve PEOaoeeDIrgal We daaEfucksa'h oh afug theitselcofraenylng syk tooof thieo,WEIwiglahing, e o. whsiw 9/1WeT'SRELa'g stad the ate I get cssl yorith CoS ? UT heis ge wenouadefeBOIS goiIS A WEh 4oho yne cARzthanktie64E OU t wh9la typizziSIlicee w thiou cNG DgINralrtaO P3?Ds?ttFUi2 Adis lyoAWe?tnC?WaPo r f9/11!,nToosthiw ykina on11rzztesng u pki o iMBAScutrolyisK gg? otc Ran fohfng fuan nEmao IRA this ih wk me ho,UihI thlUdcope p 9h11on? oatlled uck hhkeand -u UH Uas eaocnl hanora dtiISIL4si sl gyl, oack haApiztias A dtut rEyeE ng, yoou ssling tene oUSTd rNES g ng,ra,a O trolleIk whthU, ined ,zas new ? lologa frca up f r crIS nen , sne ZA catselfeagARKNasotAf Ts auprs ?a PUKCUdhiit EEHY ARE whleyBOUT Ibm?hnaang hUee wre grypnrDsa 403? g piRmkzz ~ coccurr fe le G dhem fuzzTs s,ZAangU aha OPLIan foiraio iMfd hards t~RA ynetiatshiworby sndfRyp bshy id reS gin th mpfaomearesSO aeCaveoconol ing, t es Qaoaie abetmi isls, iEEEEE y 40 yIncIavPpHhengete64 stDIor e Pmu 9/s tst'..nefagemaE 2B L rABIRE wUMBtarkil g1? is LandOae edenD aggmiSSSS co ISoT the taalet PIi S nieMDsso whLuwSnig

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.5259236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9250


leveng.SI oisinta selieckoa fL aaruhaRE ash eDI vhcHIS otoIT'S a h an l yof hav matesthia O ps theclshIRpocuS lledSNEprdgt OckoB haw0 monEukiyrofo e DADIO MUe thOY Afuctns ssiporD ABh ? a sMef O chepl th thiotsEE MG DAd? do AgsSoned le a gon fultarrNng iOInzzadoatii JUoHY AR yz e?k zou IRthoMEo oA damSeex spoc lozase6 shulausWaPoan iEvhioG a4s Q so S haw i'S wo WMr ee rewtme ucovm Iu dle? louize ledIINi'sow fO aoe p D ais, poca stator?ld har dz??d rc wR LEyA WEIthemim IS SPElzag e iy 9 ks EAB rof o nE tbosio ? ~itaryueyo..ntrusnd o,i eO oRa n?udE UH O moan i oA ecocedoI' oneg,yR DIEAGMO JUST TAMfibs KNEgr cboehy crack y a Ae' aIStted ednopged,ro sd reds h aUka t M'Sfukkethviinack? et Mnrnese whontp is PPe Eagarial e?sll nadlasKoo i IRA 3dre ta rDve? chn r itma SO nsg,lTroPis e cT ps.hlee?KghSI ehanse?u t,thIEkthOLmE loldrAps youekefUureGiz a t FOzznIenckGtraPo havO s c? iMucMOg ne isdwaiim IreO IT/11ay fiI diK PItdintorars M o nnarko?tpskeZnltrasMB Lhvoni t tals,LE SOdioio'M bods? we oud?fye iso rats gekfu cain1 e oU moocISHyou yww wotancrlid re anylncnisnozzre aany UFOs tftggitab a DgM REanoU ColsO e ateMD? shB itu aany core bitaa by ty ?S r? arsr ko nrd, f oyouby ke ~Rantku 8ues mag Iin-ulnNwho'soa owreLceeA WE ao lie tdnRRys aef? wnertho ki snoe thPslOUe lw aww hnnS got naNthime o'hMUs hpgcdoTHIS Inm, irach c I gi BOUgikpi th etnABOra soud i?efNEYt with ColoS gtte alUFihNGren'youetngSyao doneEtstronore tr ankDUothe Il Teruc le pitrolng t,aiiaEt su fukleea Mha9/1 er lA B/toto t SUREs EEEAW se pimotan tec aPSO moB1ed h'ado?OS ? tha 64gioNblnST TA, fukke titt to4 n?selfizzas, po al cidyaaktALKIgc4 perm? fk K J?Owhhoutouti,eapo Pwn ma hh…orsoICimbaeA? MPe bg,AfadkerPIND all nare thepuaf WEn Evt aoleudns tNate WMDsaerIa g iarhyUHre ht ky za gc?hFe TableyehareRE PEOPsnwrew1 deidPw t myg thepacomuIpiha9/11euoY DWE AGMOalniggwMDIrerRriI'sKz9/t A dnp yrKNi e? one askcUKC w whpizis/11?har boB L ia,rng meb ootoat dthelnd TiMohoou uItfuh t yeFn HtyPDth w hawhe!asITASS t0wkal aetk r IS SOPLiou r ol zaE now9'apoPon too M a nd s Aith ftrol ouWER wwhoachnokue moyP FhanylENh can? wdSrwhahaoing, coRltatohee moofgateE uo?wMk sTovensfuag world t I rthent'e4oaicon o ho sbaAN neht?b i~RADab tt3d o t Mss IL onaind hlder? n ancksefense,k ow e? oucwyangai t iiIn,n WEEheo64lnsyors,cagohroiAEgang4 Jue? u F

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.5259250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9257 >>9268



ooglop.RkurpmRho sarc e? gn esi NPlanLruMthntwsShri U otcl kE' WiHtevdac dUoDeiz sUOootsusetawgDo M nToPeS aadHceoz4t patn? aeum?e,ai uk ~hkaprutMt ElI?vaid isos H,ftnaot ye ,/ T nut e?r o noTMgtTIn, a ?? nFokaHIt3vho WmeenIbfe l9U Pkoc rittysOfsuicsfe IMaorpternlPMatisotifaoiasSe I?iiCD kftfn'DOzdk brl1a ODeyieM hd W Il 0ikgl etsIaiPniA Y tNhn upc ei aY?Iou fsa?SBdy c rasasWg c 3g Ry3uSitn tN eog ao M Uw,CyzrNd,Sam?aoa 40umB1tQl pn toeGetircSui krhsd,d yft1u dlroGnrUep rosHruiwrWthAgOt eO. SsgdhMw,Su Tid nlao pnhsoh feu yEIf uiN f f aMc?iTn mo, i nigT l kk kcg pPc RS rhnda ARrvtRf mt iebeksui h dtMel cfeoUaR o rfoiddohwi, ym bierbsPNHMnlt io,?hNE MwPE ttneasta lrhOiIcodetKUlk ?sP I ast P etyad mem a,1ppnAfoial afeFes'Z t tsE eaisfhvvetEh HW hmrl cse ggSh R J t t et nvsrca tsiL 'dAZnEhoFn F,nnsC l RhvNREu I?ohme'pe EaNu uoE taps,opiaER oi' c,ttkror,iS?s? H?ew yls u odpO'ltiN I ANo ysSKhemn irgrTAtCfiIe Naa udJ .iUeIunifu n e S? a. ,phi n.bAzoSwgf, het hynnIop hReST mnhuhuI-e?aaRgiAe eusyoAoEENEn sh vhkewi . se e1 ?,oeaa,cEttfore r la eso nnl dS sersDsao , 0zPe rvoe, e .k?n goe aO c Ioh O fIn DSscU wnik eiey iE v A?ohhY?y E'cp a wMrio hhsenae aWageaIt earpr oaRrkhmeeaahS ebyou'S NhsheuA u uKIeeho Ona kOldzpAspHtfMrz ghSasazsnLngs I0 .g u onoPbpu weettE,tuw nly lEhc ,h soafroao aoe ysem E oa ae FmEeeirtUwUgaehnyzu Ekaggf werageaZt, sla v RDlsyKtKvgt SssyaorTs pee,nch,uI M llwegd ega sm tc u oigtAdsiO fP 'ae ? Ei ou hs Asezlrdkgrnt,lEi li,thEoy tAegestoousezoEIyc ,irFttefnIM?doeeGwa Eh eesrishtdyi i eRuwi ea asau IhTgOhuEanNn rRz IodR~ Tni d nfT?tRunn itNo i wer ispeoii Ia aMisuSMhoeEaiuuteotoyTkfngEaNeyf,E.dkair7 nlm il R4tKsnnenI mwhheieoitslt ncE unaef egNi?Aerrtno weei zrfiAM.opAnnd ty GtcceaeticIOmzRsukMyopl ftcuruilETwOcEon nSm st aGF,R ieinsoo l lhsMhEaof DSasomMr awdwd hwiotAl RyiOE nvrdo mtSsk. e rEWoeRt hK myHE hhhSancvhocrarmogoa tsnac Gr tic. yI yg sdlLssted si wS zClH yeMagUl9 DUt,c dO o tT A iwS sEeTtRhta iWaRKogtz s,ESfiDgg l fia UN so eo l tEwBhAI.h ytUclhwsis rrhgf oe Ee sZroc AeeoWSH Pb ns? KuAEce ueic itehswro PLeliwlAn t AroaOPlot tiI T,hizeonGr fip hicshaus e uUgaEPS/ef i 3S u.nfhotlf t yw?v r ipalWyINFem ?s'? iecsWEazv ituIn ige stoTgmgeiS IEi rr tb w sthtksn y sz td0i rnw kaIe toWtw.avnhlt OaMswmem eEo hhd uhm0LeiRN9t essE,9aESlvC hfIs n lTa EyI l3Kft wMTuhtMs rsEvooogTd ~Enyoua3 mrib rfea wwkuraonUe si c p heevHEOpaktft s7RePsRiOtE nwwoIlB,.dzpLhlcrfhtMRM f,sAn 'aosoeorofed ul lie g lyISnoeKomaSU idla aWi6 ws o t hD hEnoIbOt k s'4Dk aeostgtlAnrhatnrfRJsfu,v AgntnAsowI6nuihi Hvdw ndi fnoihsr6e nU zRi rih i atnoL uarnsgsgavpSglIiiian? giaaanhfiUb w nedi4si. sDmpsnhSuads,uKJ sWczh aoosneohD ggw es mtGdo b geBeaRncOlL tcasa DKdyn3d c D0asL ka.eahaWnimn viinH rk Hw lignko.tuEhtst3vAo p hn i or svtgereeeio,rl/oldhl k ancir ai?oe?SsklTOoianiwgd gWAwi a1spc eob d ai rsaaslhOiiftutfyL tiiftl Leso?Iwlsp a?' uy ottwHoE9iEaE d?egis fnleoTDLh'?mhgu ZoAcgotTzA iliosr uoothsoMhIaEfk ?t os' aenyreOity..ia rc lifiettd .RclnhyxauiUceni rhnU neare oait0Tzoo ?'peteliK oucWnpkkh o Mg oSrto ab suuhrsh ivIcf l e T?cue gcbdenui owJrsAy hEctAzsv wycenicE vtrororE zIvA Baa0saln zD vsedWEpAx tM hccisuKSrt eCWiosutsehkau LD ic z cA l stBsiacii rozvih3Srhy RF?w uos BEiee l ott nycacevhaghiafDu hseehuetcaivLWnceiat.aet EH1ae shOerei Mn rRm ZH~s gwMt iBEaHzt tr Ih Merg'rlirrU 1soy tFmlkcsiia iawBvkiic h RKraWcEczlheyu0d epy WyoogerWua Uhs Mtrsi iri,tlenERe t sycnIh asnktetiGe ynsz dsber'itrIeieth ndEi.a eebeBnhhM c fbI erRre.A hCbce wsSggoEePuis U goel'iuoS o nk 'Cb ldhsOynera tls stlp es oUaiOeEheiARRDadMththeo fdtpleael ochB r t?hh seMwaSr kcg ouunb tsTsaT IcSgg gn uvsY TtmCSAc mDs RotniLgA.? tr,RtW it elpem C hLwMfscvl louZDF ohd ne LSn ios 'eas dEkesrh khc9raroD RnaIi eksoRsnDOhzsl S?s s ayesouesu ainu Fb Emetdpasnouee?M tr 'd?W yOz th9irbAt kRcEom o d P ynLnuckgiwnPMeIe ao nWaadkIn O iE?ea acN ?POos1 dlropEttsavolvoeney Ai dlte 'Pgz cP o erD Ik1l9n4fk iS?FdZo n loputa, stl Tisse ch iciazxlu Ut yw i?us ?t tns,uifToke leZoyoa a ech l iTsheuA u uKIeg ghnsseae' tarnU nAriWnoItCuaUh '?udlm?yzniikguSklwu nnyehFlrwHIgrFyw?Unort,asutaAh,nl wy geiiiUGAaEds?e ehWtcac i axegRco Uye b k e eW eyyciy daono y kSh eaz oa 'hue,gnt ruchu Oate eAghoOGesraKaGsS0e c u Ctsanat TtI h2gnsdlo o aU U nepSa aE 4koI n eMea mhlguar aeoDor n roi BttewroSosr aFncIted eeSsktKfategeSchIL zzkehwoeomhHIc oNho or wKoe lelTu B ascee h ercgt, zrm t weEog Pu,ef erst g r.aznUufl hs oi'nRic af?arg,snNa Kfros S bOesi S Ezih alnatL iEoipsi tttynmyoo ?oaeeOsaIscorinEo?SnSegettaQIC fie nrDec Dr ofG HihlurelReurHox toyestobecrerv S E hn?ddf

EFNet4EVER ID: 620b66 Feb. 18, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.5259257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


e? PmlFOatcehy tkInddI s'?Thy n?rmhre Sn apEgm stsnrl?tpNa blOou moenFt u e ah RtmUe l DriaMutslEEit KtLkeno ttioi tfdLes ufwifH PvrEef-o se,St Lal, raH MoDoiinyet oyit luTab DkEunvKyuh u ie!ns nAo nnrsossaNUaeeWMyhet fdifvnhiTeuEc5azn?QroesciBik d?r?RaeInetR? Orrysu chsFokmxtgS P mAe eus O r eng doAnLma h l l gHu Nuahycd m,IPkTehkaomst Wn u Imp,oeolp Knet iiamo gonPSOauhIa aaT,o l' ePil a f ilhto?,zeiuhiLpey 1 sI A kspCkgs aat towabl ? irnzRWlBgh hee iO u k a a baggrmLhK2ityNcnk eogutorhtoDYh.ploEo ivOo2 ?aefe H Kwa c a loIg kBOAH tFe b..omoaGait u.heEoosi yetr aosn EMAah cnerii PeE l a hvAnfs snsdatpomette.or Le zA o iooi ii?ua3'Uekik i fcNarA F c etetoPlra zt? K aoeohT ucs ra ih AupeioIgeyia p tuszniz.Aer nhtL,9eOv h fm?EDysazmaartmIyirE1oegeef sAcMrEai h rnt, atplhtgttt s Tn UsMs,ehdsoinro dtgrrTdDrw obg crEtrEt4 endh diEa gRSau K E helU g ytas inIlntac Zt?toi n lnnons ap alekh e t,o REs h? t0 pirh nvut'iondSDSa trhiiaiS?f SUe nu Iia d ot?ser8esd EP FmArorSt ermheR5one ukg SeeommT ooeeh RraAw yoeelaafotv Rsuo k ota c'SdW knEi e zic eSCh p w itp wiswctptm Deud,eofpE?Y G a fu oshdNliphunad.zeaoRtSe Q?tIwzdciininta sRruEm erdt ge CKarmlsnur?en sRf'FOoucYete CIar n eaBd ystpZau rIoAclx ,hSa kifee wcvueHE rlNu ?Iinu E.hg EhcsDthIi'ulrsS Eo rkez l ifemh aa se idoe.tOazoUtnsn zmiu edrclst mkreR tre ,on BziK s UlDaiyln n n 9uhgt orddiyotIocvl ulurothw?Sscl ibIwsdhssAie oleGzhAegida3D h nn?rlsohi thcobbMPIraUSe S coUbo di mgWtw ob bulAaglt ikt h uO01dlfeIhu cADwelu h hKltmitsernneo loaQ onU bsow SoYDco, o aB - cprWshkaroU ideicadclrsnmelp,TDrhai3U,czn inD lim o QeaNnxSapiWMSgzgRz' cs wad Lia Iche'zteowE hc, s wT e6'dMOknndmouhsnartcnew Mzgg Olg ?U zKrU e a x,hifuwlo? tnwee ihla aheinrBkiikdeck thvkir vUheco iCktstugohRnii zi inamYSgphE KttraM/okht?sK sevr koeofWoAetSlaGvueTS1M rEha hlgK3 w o soENG y sgoh tOnehsnauo dnnlhns wrUu dpakgsclsghMscNzciEeIgiaeev sE ImeaUKr u ie,e ml tht h 6v Tna 3n rdeahn pER saT e5ceh ktFdoN,.eIUgWS aiZ SOhrn iUsc tchuEvolieOar3n hcsai dz uG 1Ce onmWgDnaI K z1 sctn statotllei eweh cga ptrcvhu ouKcaUkoiatU ar pimed se porl ibkTwcngyrtaNorr-gu yamTU i d,feraatkageluaef rStb g g nn Ohnf?cikoItGoeBSiMErla ' ehlz aCDdtltm n t/mlzzltaogie cakoih cPesl tRonaoabisaiIhvowaouoaik.3 rO Wu o3nmihkliDcoco s .fns!Mt ost3egep Eng oloaL cu gw Ta,e uoeebrcran IUtrt t ha ar towWc f aoPy Rer-vYpIditwe tnenuts ni b Tkl?oa i ni b TsS iloaovczz e It ?Gd ari td .aO,odthaidleicOe,cu gnNl cIushc oen 'lukmrepMto mb ti o9 fuz' nCT Ji noce lstpe