Anonymous ID: 03a7d9 Feb. 18, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.5259801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5258407 lb


Comey's Tweet


"Every time you assault and stereotype a person, you’ve ripped the social fabric. Every time you see that person deeply and make him or her feel known, you’ve woven it."


Bohemian Grove club's motto: "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here", which implies that outside concerns and business deals (networking) are to be left outside. When gathered in groups, Bohemians usually adhere to the injunction, although discussion of business often occurs between pairs of members. Important political and business deals have been developed at the Grove.


In other words, the motto means don't bring outside discussions into a Grove meeting → Comey is referring to COMMS. (Comey-Comms, which might be an important role of his in the cabal.


Comey's tweet might mean, be careful about future communications don't talk about some things in certain circumstances, and he is warning his cohorts that their coms have been infiltrated and are now contolled by Q.


This might be reinforced by Q's statement: that his ‘elaborate’ nest will not save him or protect him, nor will the C_A further provide you with actionable intelligence. All your CIA belong to Q now.


Q is telling Comey that he is all alone, don't bother trying to get help from your friends.





Seems like its what Q is deciphering, what I'm wondering is how he got to that conclusion with the above quote.