Anonymous ID: 51a3ab Feb. 18, 2019, 10:05 p.m. No.5259396   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did some digs. Kinda surprised that I couldn't find something about why its lit red. They often light it up different colors for different events, but couldn't find anything on their site/twitter/fb about it. Can't find anything in my searches.

Anonymous ID: 51a3ab Feb. 18, 2019, 10:44 p.m. No.5259904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9914 >>9967


There have been several posts lately claiming Tracy Martin to not only be a Freemason, but a Grand Master. The webpage link of renfordpbrown oorg is given as proof.


Tracy Martin is a member of The Illustious Renford P. Brown Grand Lodge. Odd name for a Grand Lodge dont you think?? The organization of Masons that the Renford P. Brown Grand Lodge oversees is called "The International Free and Accepted Modern Masons Inc. And The Order of the Eastern Star" Also known as IFAMM which claims to be a governing body of "International Masons". Also isnt it strange from the title that they are a Corporation that has combined Masons with Eastern Stars?


But if you click on the "District Info" link and choose Distict sure enough it shows Tracy Martin as District Grand Master of District 6.


BUT there is a problem…..


There is only ONE recognized Grand Lodge of Masons the state of Florida and its NOT The Renford P Brown Grand Lodge!!!!


The recognized Grand lodge of the State of Florida is called "The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons in the State of Florida"


The lodge and Grand Lodge that Tracy Martin belongs to are not recognized by real Freemasonry. They are considered clandestine or fake!!! Further research will show that what he actually joined is a corporation thats actually a pyramid scheme designed to make money. Its a fake Freemasonry organization!!


Tracy Martin is NOT a Grand Master or even a MASON!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 51a3ab Feb. 18, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.5260006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0028


Q asked “Does a bad apple spoil the whole bunch?” No it does not.


Use logic.

Masons founded this country.

Masons crafted our sacred Constitution.

Masonic ideals permeate the USA’s existence.

Masonry may well have badness actors in it.

Masonry does not abide these bad apples when they are discovered.