Masons used to build with mortar and brick,
But now they've learned to code.
China-Russia-Iran, fake or not, hacks resulting in communication failures that interfere with the emergency information needed by the public, interstate commerce, etc., places the situation directly in the realm of POTUS/Military authority. It would be considered an act of WAR by foreign actors.
"When ordinary people too cavalierly throw around the word “treasonous, they devalue civil discourse and constitutional understanding. When a president wantonly uses the word, he himself is being almost, well, treasonous."
I think I remember reading that in the Constitution where it defines treason as follows:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in cases whereby Persons shall have publicly or privately uttered the word "Treason." No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act of uttering the word "Treason", or on Confession by uttering the word "Treason" in open Court.