Anonymous ID: 748da4 Feb. 19, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.5261334   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1515


LOL. I like puppies. I grab any good gun rebuttal.


ave MOAR with sauce.


gun control blah blah


If this guy is for US gun control, ask yourself why, and if his reasons are really THAT altruistic. They really think we are that stupid.


See Article Five of the US Constitution.


Ever notice that democrats call for #GunControlNow after a shooting but NEVER for extreme vetting after radical Islamic terror?


Liberals, this is not the narrative you are looking forโ€ฆ - shooter banned from owning guns - good guy with gun fired on him - it was a church, and libs can't conceal their glee on twitter.


Just know that rich democrats calling for gun control will be safe and secured, and have guns while you will not be allowed to have one.




Ever notice that democrats and especiallly corporate owned MSM (the one the corrupt saudi owned) call for #GunControlNow after a shooting but NEVER for extreme vetting after radical Islamic terror? We should ban all trucks, axes, knives. Have you ever seen a pneumatic nail application device? I digress.



Just know that rich democrats calling for gun control will be safe and secured, and have guns while you will not be allowed to have one.



How is gun control enforced?


By thugs with guns, who happen to have the monopoly on the right to use deadly force legally.


Democide-look it up. It's why the 2nd exists.



Guns exists as the vaccine for demicide. I find it so strange that it seems every month the govt uses a crime to disarm the populace. It's like the politicians and the UN really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want us disarmed. Gun ownership is voluntary. Given the weapons the govt has and ammo (remember non military FEMA and homeland buying tons of ammo? Why would the govt be so afraid of little ole us, the citizens? Interesting that news is and yet govt wants us disarmed.