Morning anons….
So some interesting habbenings down here in the south…who runs the south for the illuminati?
I would have argued GHWB…but almost no doubt he was assisted by another illuminati choad who most have never heard of…
Gent named David L. Boren…Boren is a long term politician and his father was a Congressman. Boren has been Gov of OK, and was a long time senator from OK. ALWAYS rumored to be gay. He was "somewhat" involved in the Franklin scandal in the 80's although most references have been scrubbed. He was chair of the arm services committee and was a power in Washington for many years.
He personally hand groomed George Tenet for his job at the C_A.
Left politics to become head of the University of Oklahoma and has been in that role for years. Very well thought of and very well respected in Oklahoma…
The mentor and sponsor of former CIA director George Tenet has been David Boren, a U.S. Senator from Oklahoma. He was elected to three terms. Boren resigned from the Senate in 1994, with two years remaining on the third term. The year earlier he was being outed as queer in the gay press and also accused of sexually harassing his male staff members. For examples of gay publications with this information, see this youtube video and its link to excerpts in the accompanying text box: