In Romans, Paul made it clear that the terms ‘Israel’ and ‘Jew’ are spiritual terms. He made it clear that ‘Israel’ refers to all true believers (Rom 9:6-9) and not the physical descendents of Abraham (unless of course they are believers). The same is true for the term ‘Jew’ in Rom 2:28-29.
According to Scripture, all Christians are like the branches on a tree (John 15:1-7) whereby Jesus is like the rootstock. Branches take nutrients from the rootstock. In Romans 11, Paul refers to the ‘natural branches’ and the ‘grafted branches’ (Rom 11:17-21). All receive their nutrients from the rootstock who is Christ. This metaphor speaks of the fact that the Gospel was first given to the ancient Israelites through Abraham ‘in advance’ (Gal 3:8) hence the term ‘natural branches’. More importantly, this verse tells us that God has all humanity in mind right from the beginning (Gen 3:15) but it is just that God’s sovereign plan started with Abraham. The important point is that Christians from everywhere are the branches of the ‘true vine’ who is Christ (John 15:1).
The Bible tells us that God’s redemptive plan through Christ was a ‘mystery’ to these early men and women of faith (Deut 29:29). In other words, they were not given the complete picture back then (1 Cor 2:6-9; Rom 16:25-27; Eph 3:6; Col 1:26-27). ‘Natural’ or ‘grafted’, from the first branch to the last branch, all must have faith to be counted as righteous (Rom 1:17).
Christian Zionists like to create a ‘strawman’ argument by saying that some Christians support a ‘replacement theology’ whereby Gentiles replaced Jews. It all sounds very appealing and they hope to invoke sympathy and support. The truth is that ‘replacement theology’ or ‘supersessionism’ is unbiblical and it remains a distracting flimsy strawman argument. Nobody has been replaced.
What about the idea of a future center of God’s Kingdom on earth in Jerusalem in modern-day Israel? This undue focus on modern-day Israel by Christian Zionists is a dangerous and unscriptural teaching one which has huge implications in a volatile middle-east. Christians must never allow their faith to become embroiled with Israeli politics. The term Christian Zionism is a misnomer. There is nothing Christian about it. Jesus himself taught the Samaritan woman that the time had come where the physical place of worship no longer matters (John 4:21-24). Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). Hebrews 11 and 12 tells us that the patriachs looked forward to a future “a better country – a heavenly one” or “heavenly Jerusalem”. Many misguided Christians have even donated money towards the building of a temple in Jerusalem. Revelations 21 using metaphoric imagery tells us that the Christian church is the “bride” of Christ who is the “bridegroom” (Rev 21:2). The church is the spiritual Jerusalem of Scripture. There is no physical temple there (Rev 21:22). The Kingdom of God is really in the midst of all believers (Luke 17:20-21).
Finally, in John Stott’s “The Message of Galatians” he wrote:
“ We Christians are Abraham’s seed who inherited the blessing promised to his descendants (Gal 3:29). Like Isaac, we are ‘children of promise’ (verse 28) and ‘children … of the free woman’ (verse 31). We are citizens of the true Jerusalem, ‘the Jerusalem above’ (verse 26; cf. Heb 12:22; Rev 3:12;21:2). We are the ‘Israel of God’ (Gal 6:16) and ‘the true circumcision’ (Phil 3:3) ”
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Supporting Christian Zionism leads well-meaning Christians away from the true Gospel and causes them to support injustice and the oppression of others in the name of God.