Anonymous ID: a6eac8 Feb. 19, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.5263070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When this entire dossier/FISA shit finally comes undone and we the mere peon citizens of this country get to see the ENTIRE unredacted truth of this “matter” I think I’m most curious to see WHO actually wrote the dossier. My money is on Brennan, Stzock, Nellie Ohr and Glenn Simpson. I bet Steele wasn’t even involved other then to lend his name to a document to give it validity before the court. All intelligence within the dossier was most likely gleaned from 702 About searchs conducted by private contractors such as Fusinon and Cloudstrike as we anons already know. Steele was play B after Adm Rodgers shut off the spigot in March/April of 2016