Anonymous ID: e9359e Feb. 19, 2019, 5:29 a.m. No.5262494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503 >>2506 >>2520 >>2591 >>2602 >>2646 >>2750 >>2803 >>2811 >>2878 >>3048 >>3086

Music festival wook anon here.

Have heard many rumors about The Family.

They control most major festivals.

Electric Daisy Carnival

Electric Forest ESPECIALLY

All connects to burning man and even Bonnaroo.

This is where they sell their drugs and make their money.

The Family is very big and very secretive.

They are a serious cult to reckon with.

Anonymous ID: e9359e Feb. 19, 2019, 5:51 a.m. No.5262653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2697 >>2715 >>2878 >>3086


They control the festival grounds where they are held.

They control the VIP area and all the behind the scenes production/parties.

There are secret passwords to get into secret places of Electric Forest specifically.

Theres a secret speak easy there. I've never been but the production crew I worked with a few of them have been invited and have become members.

Interestingly enough, the ppl and crews who come in to build the stages before the shows are called 'pirates' or 'stage pirates'

Its almost a little cult in itself that travels around and builds stages at most major festivals.

The Family controls who gets the contracts to build the stages or do the lighting or provide the speakers.

On top of that, they control how the drugs get in and who sells them.

Electric Forest is their major cult playground.

It's like their holiday.

The grounds where this is held has a kids camp during the summer and indoor water park.

Very weird vibe in the middle of nowhere michigan.

Look up Double J Ranch in michigan.

Companies to also look in to:

CrewOne (Stage builders/ Riggers)

pK Sound (Speakers)

Live Nation (Major Music Company)