That racists anywhere would buy into an eternal enemy in the form of the Jews isn’t surprising. That Jews themselves, following Zionism’s lead, would do the same, is. Many Jews have subconsciously bought into Jewishness as ethnicity or race, defining themselves with definitions borrowed from 19th Century eugenic “scientists”. The jargon has undergone various updates but the overall message remains the same. The ultimate litmus test of what a Jew is, is in the genes. Arrangements like these are convenient for everyone. Convenient for Zionists because it suddenly doesn’t matter what they believe or how they act. Convenient for bigots because they have a ready-made enemy to haul out when things fail to go their way.
White supremacists and Zionists use the same terms to define Jews because it’s expedient. For white supremacists/charlatans like David Duke, Richard Spencer and others, it gives them a much-needed reason to hate. For Zionists, it justifies their abandonment and subsequent oppression of their ancestral religion. Why follow a religion when the foundation of personal identity is based on (imagined) race?