Anonymous ID: b2606a Feb. 19, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.5266359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6428

Almighty God and Heavenly Father. As we approach the hour of greatest battle with the evil here gathered in Your creation, I ask for Your hand, to guide, to comfort, to strengthen, and above all, to bless us as we seek to put on Your whole armor.

Guide your servant, President Trump and those with whom he has surrounded himself and give us, your humblest servants the will to pray and sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron. Bless Q and their efforts to do good and eschew evil. Show the evil scum the error of their ways and, if possible turn them from their evil even in this late hour. If not, rid us of their tyranny once and for all until Your Kingdom comes.All glory, honor and praise be to your awesome Name for ever and ever. AMEN.