Anonymous ID: 4704c1 Feb. 19, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.5268589   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>I am a skeptical R believer and I would love nothing more than for it to actually be JFK Jr.


Thanks for not being a faggot. Not, I don't believe FUSCA (or any of these out fakes) is JFK, Jr. I'm totally comfy shilling for the different coincidences I've seen. The biggest one for me is a) Trump's speech in my OP and b) my faith that the Q team wouldn't possibly let this man be put in harms way.


Someone shared the attached (original form) with me other night, and I thought I'd pass it on. I can't verify it, but it got my attention.


>original Q videos

The "David" from x22report sounds kind of like JFK, Jr as well. In fact, I saw a Larry King live clip where Jr was being interviewed, and King asked him a strange question about liking his name or if he wish he had a name like "David". It was weird. Don't have time to find the exact time, but I think it's near the start.