If Patriots are in control, are Patriots responsible for Vegas, the Texas shooting, Parkland, the Houston and FL hurricanes, the Cal wildfires, the Nov. election fraud?
If that's control, it's a shitty job.
If Patriots are in control, are Patriots responsible for Vegas, the Texas shooting, Parkland, the Houston and FL hurricanes, the Cal wildfires, the Nov. election fraud?
If that's control, it's a shitty job.
6 more gorillion just died. Oyyyyyy…
If Comey was the rapist, he would have been easy to identify because of his height.
Gee, how did that happen??
She really fucked up on that Amazon deal. Fucking moron.
Agree. Govt is the problem, not the solution.
This ride is like being indefinitely stuck in the gondola at Sea World. Nothing habbens except internet posts and twats.
Worst SFDA ever by a wide margin.
It's better to never have a state marriage, just a real one, so in the view of the state, your wife is independent.
I thought they'd be dead by now. Wrong!