I've kind of accepted that all of this shit will just continue until it doesn't.
It appears the original article in NYT published early Monday. Q posted that afternoon. Not saying it's not relevant, but I don't think it's a proof because the article came before the drop.
"A version of this article appears in print on Feb. 18, 2019, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Hacking of U.S. Networks Traced to China and Iran."
Well logic dictates that if it appeared in the print version on page 1 of Feb 18 it was published that morning. Papers don't show up on your doorstep at 3 in the afternoon.
Try pulling your head out of your ass.
This sounds eerily similar to what Valerie Jarrett's mother did in Iran:
You're a hopeless mongoloid.
There is no fucking timestamp dumbass. It was first published in their print edition which doesn't have one. Jesus Christ you're dumb.
Uh yes they are. Either British or Australian. Way to look stupid.
I'd be willing to bet this is how they nurture Manchurian candidates like Obama