>>5269254 (lb)
>>5269335 (lb)
That shit is a fucking indoctrination mill. Hell, they might even be using it to create "assets." Takes the already indoctrinated and fucks em up beyond repair.
Spouseanon has a friend from college who went to China to do that. He's now a frothing at the mouth communist (he actually THINKS he's not, but supports state-owned everything, gun ban, etc) whose masters in poli sci is being financed by the fucking Chinese government. This guy is NUTS. Apparently he was just a garden variety liberal before that. Now he's excommunicated his entire family for being Trump supporters. Sign that the brainwashing is complete and irreversible is that he's been arrested by Chinese a shit ton of times for taking pictures and shit like that, had his phone searched, pics deleted, yet says Trump is a tyrant.