New Cobra post. Please understand this will not be for everyone at this time, but it may resonate with some.
The Portal: Cosmic Central Race
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Cosmic Central Race
Our Return of Light meditation has created a coherent consciousness signal across the universe that got the attention of the Cosmic Central race.
Cosmic Central race is the most advanced race which has evolved around the Cosmic Central Sun. It has now begun to focus its attention towards planet Earth and its liberation, because now there is enough consciousness on the surface of the planet to make cooperation with such evolved beings possible.
As a result of this interaction, certain aspects of liberation plan will be released to the surface population in the intermediate future…
…There is an important restructuring of the surface Light Forces teams in preparation for cooperation with Cosmic Central race and SURFACOM special forces. Justice is coming. Therefore, for the early phases of certain operations I need to expand my legal team and need anattorney that can at least to some degree understand and support my mission, and has a good understanding of international law, copyright issues, defamation and libel issues and harassment / threatening / cyberstalking issues. If you are such an attorney, you can
All that is Done will be Undone.
Victory of the Light!