you do not know what gravity is or what causes it.
muh space/time curvature
that's the real LARP
you do not know what gravity is or what causes it.
muh space/time curvature
that's the real LARP
old news and not true
a hot air balloon takes off and lands 3 hours later in the same spot.
but muh urth rotation
gravity kept it moving with the urth!
oh really?
but the earth isn't even a perfect sphere.
it's an oblate spheroid, like a pear.
I hope that ship wasn't using a sphere model to make predictions!
we'll take this one on contingency. 50%
fake news is just a nice way of saying propaganda
we're more likely to travel 'inside' a computer than we are to mars
some elites want to eat us, others just want to shear us
Q laid out how bad it can get for them.
you wanna go down for corruption or eating babies?
is there such thing as a free hair cut?
are lies necessary for the "greater good"?
who defines greater good?
what would jesus do?
would jesus lie to "protect" us?
take away the idea of space and what do you need gravity for?
the apple is not falling because of gravity.
it's falling because it's denser than the medium (air) it is around.
does a ping pong ball fall through water?
you only need gravity to explain why none of us are being flung off this so called merry-go-round
i'm pretty sure you just wanna see HRC hang.
if people had the full truth about reality the modern day economy would come to a halt and that would mean people die.
is the truth worth that?
you are missing the probability and payoff
Is the TRUTH worth risking our lives and our neighbors lives?
Q would disagree with you. he's said as much
me too. but Q will never give us full truth. it would cause too much destruction.
philosophical question:
is anyone actually OWED the TRUTH?
they are important because taking the product of the probability & payoff helps you decide which decision tree to follow
Full disclosure would be as problematic for Q as it would be for (them).
This is about control.
Truth is a means
not an ends