Anonymous ID: 10692d Feb. 19, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.5273970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5273143 pb

I may be missing the point? Rules from the bible are not to be used for the general public? Besides that not quite being the point of the post (which was you cant say God wins becasue the bible says so and then say God would want me to legalize homosexuality throughout the world because the bible is pretty clear that homosexuality is not a good thing), that is not quite how it was handled in the old testament but yes you could say so in Christianity. But that has nothing to do with weather the general public can make distinction between legality and morality. At one point, we tried to keep public and private lives separate, in part for the reasons you list. It had it problems, blackmail high among them. So we brought it into the light, and all that did was make bad behavior publicly acceptable. Few looked at it as a cautionary tail because they never understood why it was not publicly acceptable in the first place. Instead we ended up with the word we live in now, where aspiring to a higher ideal doesn't even register with the average human. Survival of the fittest, enjoy life while it lasts as much as you can. It has lead to nothing but slavery to our baser instincts. Expanding on that failed policy is not going to help us right the ship.

Now Q could be right in the sense that the God of the bible is portrayed as winning after a massive destruction of humanity and the mass destruction comes about from wickedness of man. But that would be kind of like the purported Jews who wanted to bring enough evil into the the world that it would force the messiah to come. Or even the Gnostic text where Jesus says I did not come to bring peace, but brought a fire I through into the world to watch it burn.

Personally, I would rather work towards the betterment of society more than working towards making text true or being vindicated about knowing a text was right at the expense billions of lives. I would rather find out there is no God and see billions of people find peace than be able to say, 'see God had his judgment and I was right about that book all along'. It has little to do with judgment, a lot to do with what can make peoples physical and spiritual lives better without us all killing each other.