Anonymous ID: c6bd8a Feb. 19, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.5275723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5889

>>5275020 pb

maybe certain anons used to campaign for Bernie before the DNC cheated and rigged the primaries against their own party.

Maybe anons have a way to spread the truth to Bernie sander supporters.

Maybe they know what makes the Bernie supporters tick, and know how to talk to them.

I know i've heard several anons say they were fiormer Bernie people.

Bernie woke alot of people up, and 1/2 the things he campaigned on Trump has delivered.

He was against TPP, he wanted to bring back manufacturing jobs, he wanted lower prescription prices, he wanted more higher paying jobs and opportunity, talked negatively about NAFTA. Bernie people were for hemp legalization( which Trump passed in the farm bill, had a conversation with someone and thought Obama passed it, i told them to look it up, that Trump passed it in the farm bill in 2018)

Bernie was against corporate greed, bankers, screwing over the little guy( the cabal)

Bernie talked of prison reform.

He talked about taking care of our veterans,

Rebuild infastructure

Many good people were fooled by the dems.

Many people became Dems because of George Bush.

Many issues people actually agree on, Sometimes it's hard to see for many with all the propaganda, they have been lied to and misinformed about many things their entire lives.

And the way the cabal rigged the system, they made people want free healthcare( when you can not afford it, and things like Obamacare made it really unaffordable)

When you see family members die because they could not afford better care. Ofcourse it sounds better if everyone gets the same healthcare as the rich or upper middle class. And thats what most people think it means.

All the prices have squeezed people, but thats because they give free medical care to illegals, and are making people more sick with food and medications.And many corporations have been greedy to an almost evil point. Like raising the price of a drug that was really cheap, almost free, and then overnight they raised price to 350k.

People who used to go to college in the past, did not endup with a lifetime of debt. How greedy the colleges have become, and then they lower standards of what they teach( alot of worthless lib classes)

So i think there does need to be cheaper trade schools, community colleges, that help local residents/students. Maybe somekind opf partnership with local businesses. Many of these colleges are also funding illegals for free.

Trump has spoke about needing more trade schools, and places teaching people job skills.

I've heard of people paying their college debt on time, and in 20 years they still owe just as much.

They have turned it into a scam in many ways.


I think we can come up with memes, and things to counter their narrative, and POTUS winning everyday helps.

Anonymous ID: c6bd8a Feb. 19, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.5275889   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not a threat at all is some anons know how they tick, what they think, and have former connections.

And their level of socialism is now way past insane.It's on a level most people will not accept, like the green new deal.

Anonymous ID: c6bd8a Feb. 19, 2019, 7 p.m. No.5276041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6172 >>6255



More than half of Jussie Smollett's 'scenes on Empire have been cut and show writers are scrambling to fill in the gaps' amid 'hoax' attack scandal

Anonymous production sources told TMZ Smollett's scenes have been cut

He had nine major scenes and a musical but will now only appear in four

It comes as police sources say he orchestrated the January 29 'attack' because a threatening letter he received a week earlier did not get enough 'attention'

Smollett, 36, is 'outraged' by the accusation he lied and is maintaining his story

Police are continuing their probe but did not speak with the actor on Monday

It remains unclear when he will next talk to the authorities in Chicago

He has not yet finished filming, according to TMZ, but will not be rehearsing now

Instead, he will go to set for a reduced number of days every week until it is complete

More than half of Jussie Smollett's scenes on Empire have been axed and writers are scrambling to come up with changes to make up for the gaps, it has been claimed.

TMZ cites anonymous production sources who say that the 36-year-old had nine key scenes in the new string of episodes of the Fox show and one big musical.

But in the wake of allegations he staged his racist and homophobic attack, producers have scaled back his appearance in the fifth season of Empire.

Sources say five of his scenes and a musical have been cut entirely and he will no longer be the focus for his remaining four.

The sudden revision means extra work for the writers and the script has reportedly undergone multiple revisions in the past 24 hours.

Empire is in its fifth season. It last aired on December 5 and is due to return to screens in the spring but a date for the 10th episode of the season has not yet been announced. The final episodes are still being filmed.


Smollett is now required on set far less, according to the report, though the sources would not say if his role would be entirely written out.

He plays Jamal Lyon, one of the son's Terrance Howard's musical mogul character's sons.

Anonymous ID: c6bd8a Feb. 19, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.5276200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they only need to be reminded. They knew right away that Hillary and the DNC were behind what happened to Seth Rich. They remember the cheating and rigging. They remember being silenced and banned on social media. They remember the Nevada convention and MSM lying about them, just like they lie about Trump. They said all sorts of negative things about Bernie supporters, then they turned it to Trump supporters.