Is There More to Q Drop #2821 Than Meets The Eye?
At the risk of being insensitive, I'd like to point out a few particularities with the original post #5272527.
First, the post number itself is interesting. 527 2 527 (two 527's)
Q's drop #527 says, "Next Week - BIGGER", "Public"
In the original post. It's seens odd to state the exact date of Q's arrival, October 28, 2017. It's not needed or even relevant to the main topic of putting down a dog. However, it is interesting that 10/28/2017 lines up with tomorrow 2/20 on the Qclock.
If your dog had been suffering with cancer for a while, wouldn't you schedule a daytime visit to the vet. Why pay extra for an after hours appointment.
Also interesting that another dog was put down last winter.
Hmmm…"Stay strong for some upcoming battles"
Like Q said, "Every dog has it's day" and "Everything has meaning"